Chapter 9: Sky-high prices to buy sugar gods

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Jiang Min watched his tuba score drop because of a fewkneelings, and he was unhappy, so he decided to call a high-end companion toplay with him.

The one-row curse was so effective, he didn't dare to try iteasily.

Find someone to line up with, at least two of the five peoplein the team, including yourself, can be controlled, and the other three can probablybe saved even if they are pitfalls.

Jiang Min, whose friend list is still gray, is veryproficient enough to click on my moon your heart to play with the platform.

As soon as he opened the platform, he remembered the littlebrother who was kicked out by Yu Hao that day.

The little brother who played with him was so good that hereturned the remaining money to him, which made him very embarrassed.

Otherwise, let's find that little brother to play with.

Just do it, Jiang Min found the private chat record on theplatform and contacted the little brother.

The little brother also happened to be online, and soonboarded the game and joined Jiang Minla's team and voice room.

The boss is good~ The little brother is still full ofvitality today.

Well. Jiang Min said hello, I was embarrassed last time.

It's okay, boss! The little brother likes Jiang Min verymuch, a repeat customer, unlike other bosses who need him to tow the plane toscore points, this boss has great strength, and the list is very easy.

Well, let's get started, as always, you're 4 and I'm 2. JiangMin said.

Okay, boss!

Jiang Min began a pleasant double-row journey with his littlebrother.

As everyone knows, in an Internet café not far from theirbase, the captain of the top three JW teams in the WPL league is huddled in asmall private room with his boss, staring at the computer screen.

Ji Xiuyan was about to freeze to death by the cold airemanating from Yu Hao's body.

When I left the JW base, I was fine, but as soon as I saw thesugar god live broadcast Yu Hao, this kid followed him like a demon, and hefound the nearest Internet café and got in.

His Maybach stopped at the door of the Internet café andattracted a wave of attention.

Fortunately, he doesn't usually show his face much, no oneknows him on the street, and Yu Hao also wore a peaked cap when he got out ofthe car, and he was not recognized.

Otherwise, this Internet café will be blocked.

On the one hand, it may be a fan of Yu Hao, and on the otherhand, it is likely to be a domestic WOC fan who wants to find a real PK of theJW captain who represents the competition because of the poor performance ofthe WPL region in the World Championship.

W-what, man... The last time Ji Xiuyan saw Yu Hao's lowpressure was the last time I watched the live broadcast of the game JW lost thegroup stage, the sugar god just found a double row to play with, I don't thinkthere is any problem....

Yu Hao didn't speak, just quickly opened the WOC gameinterface and entered his account password.

You see, my cabbage is still lined up with people every day!Ji Xiuyan had already ignored the inappropriate use of words, it was quiteterrifying for Yu Hao to go crazy, he still coaxed people first.

Yu Hao entered the game and still quickly tried out JiangMin's voice room password.

As long as you run faster than your teammates, you willdefinitely survive!

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