End of Year 2

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"What's there to be happy about?"

Ava's POV

Light began piercing the darkness as blurry shapes filled my vision. For a moment, confusion filled me as I wondered where I was, since this place felt so unfamiliar. Mumbled voices, gasps, sighs, and cries filled the air all around me.

Faces of people beside me became more clear as I remembered what had happened. The basilisk had petrified me! Thoughts flooded my mind as I sat up on my cot, finally comprehending what was happening. Was Harry all right? What happened to Voldemort? What time was it? When was it?

"Oh good! You're awake. How are you feeling, dear?" Madame Pomfrey approached me with a tentative smile, as if sensing my discomfort.

"Where is —,"

"Oh, Ava! I missed you so much!" Before I could ask Madame Pomfrey questions, Leah encircled me in her arms. Her tears dropped onto my shoulder as she sighed. "It's been so different without you here, you know?"

When she finally pulled away, I smiled at my best friend, wiping a straggling tear. "Hey — it's okay. I'm back now. Is my brother okay?"

"Oh, your brother is fine, dear. He just left the hospital wing a few moments ago in order to attend the end-of-year speech." Madame Pomfrey glanced up at the wooden clock on the wall. "Which reminds me, you two should get going as well if you want to attend!"

It took me a moment to process what she'd said. It was already the end of the year? I was petrified ALL year? "Pardon, Madame, but it's already the end of the year?"

"You were petrified for months, Ava..." Leah whispered, grabbing my hand. "I feel like so much has happened!"

"No matter —," Madame Pomfrey interrupted. "The only thing that matters is you and your brother are safe. Now, why don't you go enjoy the little time you have left of the year?"

"Yeah, Ava! Everyone will be so happy to see you!" She grabbed my hand and heaved me off of the hospital bed.

Madame Pomfrey gasped, slapping Leah's wrist. "You must be careful with her! She's been petrified since November! Are you okay, dear?"

I stumbled for a moment, but could easily regain my balance. "Yeah — er — I'm fine... I just need a moment."

"Oh, I'm sorry Ava! I'm just happy that you're back..."

I smiled at my best friend and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Don't be sorry... I'm happy I'm back as well."

I grabbed her hand, and we quickly exited the hospital wing, entering the long corridors of Hogwarts.

The sound of the birds chirping, the feeling of the fresh air blowing from the windows; I traced the stone cracks on the wall with my fingers, soaking in the sensation of the cold.

I missed Hogwarts so much... I didn't think I'd ever escape the darkness of my mind. But I'm back. And I'm okay.

It's hard sometimes to not live in the moment and to get carried away, but right now I'm trying everything I can not to forget the things I love.

"Are you okay?" Leah asked, noticing how quiet I've been.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just — I saw some things while petrified... I'm just happy to be back in the real world."

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