A Race

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"A race! If you win, you can take it. If I win, I keep it."

"Now, I want you all to put your right hand above your broom and say UP," Madam Hooch instructed her broom and it immediately shot into her right hand.

I looked at the teacher, awestruck. Flying was something I'd always wanted to try. I looked towards Harry who was situated opposite of me and mentally challenged him. Whoever got their broom up first won a galleon.

"Now, you all try! Come on!" Madam Hooch said.

Students began commanding their brooms up. Draco was the only Slytherin who'd been successful on his first attempt. I, being extremely competitive, stepped up my game. "UP!" I said sternly, commanding my broom. The broom finally lifted into my hair and I looked up, only to be defeated. Harry was staring at me triumphantly, having succeeded first.

Once everyone had a firm grip on their broom, Madam Hooch began talking once more. "All right, I want you all to mount your brooms, and on the count of three I want you to kick off and hover above the ground. That's it! Just hover, we don't want any accidents."

She paused l, waiting for everyone to mount their brooms. "One.. Two... Thr—,"

Before she could finish, a slightly chubby, brown haired boy in Gryffindor, rose above the ground.

"AHHHHH!" The boy shouted, his broom seemingly out of control. We all gasped in horror as he flew around.

"Mister Longbottom—Mister Longbottom! Get down this instant!" Madam Hooch shouted at the boy, we if he was in control.

I slightly chuckled, knowing the boy had no control over his broom. Yes, I hoped he'd be okay, but the situation was quite amusing. The boys broom jammed into the side of the castle multiple times before he inevitably slipped off of it. Thank Merlin that his robe got caught on a steak, slowing his fall. But, quickly, his robes ripped and he plummeted towards the ground.

"Out of my way!" Madam Hooch pushed her way through the crowd and kneeled at Longbottoms side, aiding him. She muttered something to him, before helping him stand on his feet. "Oh dear, that's a broken wrist... come on boy, it's alright."

From behind me, I heard Draco and his gang of followers chuckling, so I turned around and sent them all glares. Laughing at someone else's pain is messed up, and I'll never stand for that. Draco and Blaise quickly closed their mouths but the others didn't.

"None of you shall get on your brooms! If I see one in the air, whoever's riding it will find themselves expelled from Hogwarts before they can say the word Quidditch!" The professor turned around and escorted Longbottom back towards the castle, to what I assumed to be the Hospital Wing.

The moment she left, I heard the ruffling of grass behind me. Turning around, I saw Draco pick something up from the ground and begin inspecting the mysterious object. The object in his hands was a small glass ball with red smoke residing in the middle. It was a Remembrall! More specifically, that boys Remembrall!

"Oh, only if that fat boy would've given this a squeeze, he would've remembered to fall on his fat arse!" Draco said laughing. He turned to his friends for approval and they all have it to him boy joining in the laughter.

"That's not yours to take, Malfoy," I said, placing my hand in front of him. "Give it here."

The boy looked at me and smirked. "How about a race?" He asked.


"A race! If you win, you can take it. If I win, I keep it." He looked towards me then at our brooms. "Unless of course, your to much of a coward?" His smirk widened as he stared down at me.

I scoffed. "Deal, only because I know I'll win. And I'm no coward."

The blonde laughed was he mounted his broom. "You wish," he replied cockily.

"No, Ava! You don't know what you're doing!" Gerry grabbed my arm in order to stop me from mounting my broom.

I shook him off with a shrug. "No Harry, it's you who doesn't know what you're doing. I know very well."

Leah grabbed Harry's shoulders before he could stop me again, and I sent him a smirk, kicking off the ground. I flew high into the air, soon followed by Draco.

He still had a grip on the Remembrall while he leveled himself out. "On the count of three, the first one to the end of the Quidditch pitch wins!" He shouted. "One... Two... Theee!"

The both of us shot through the air at lightening speeds. To my dismay, he wasn't lying when he said he was a fair flyer.

Me, being the surprisingly talented flyer I was, reached the end of the field before him. Draco, recognizing his defeat, converted to his last resort which was throwing the Remembrall in hopes that it would break.

"Bet you can't catch that, Potter!" He smirked, thinking he'd won, but oh was he wrong.

In my head, I quickly calculated how fast the ball was going and how far. Leaning toward on my broom, I dove down and pulled up just in time to catch the ball.

From here, I could see the shock spread across Draco's face as I raised the ball in victory. I slowly descended to the ground, engulfed by a crowd of people who were cheering loudly. All, except for a select few of Draco's friends.

"Way to go, Ava!" People cheered. Harry, Hermione, and Leah engulfed me into a separate hug. I broke away and was faced with Blaise sending me a thumbs up. I felt like a hero! I felt absolutely amazing!

I could feel Draco's eyes burning through the back of my head, but I didn't care. "That was just luck," he grumbled while walking past me towards his friends.

"Oh, pies off Malfoy," said Harry and Leah in unison. Ron stood quietly in the corner, not wanting to hug me, but not wanting to be rude either. He shot me a nod which I returned with a smile.

Right when I thought all was well, Snape made his way across the field. "Potter! Malfoy! Follow me... now."

Draco and I shared a glance before evidently following the professor off the field. I could hear Hermiones whispers behind me. "Oh no! He saw! Ava's gonna get expelled!"

Yes, I was quite nervous, but for some reason, I had the feeling everything was fine.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I know that in the movies and books McGonagall finds them, but for the sake of my story, it's going to be Snape :). Luv you all and hope you're having a wonderful day!!! :3

PS: Please hit the star, comment or follow! Any of those would be greatly appreciated!!!

*edited 2/24/2023

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