The Victim

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"Would you turn that life off — some of us are trying to sleep here!"

"Ava — you're a Parselmouth!"

Draco stands in front of me, outside the hall, his mouth completely open. I tilted my head, confused on what he was talking about.

"What do you mean a Parselmouth? And why did everyone seem upset with me? I saved that boy! The least they can show is a bit of gratitude..." I crossed my arms and glared at the floor, kicking my feet against the old stone.

Draco blinked a few times, furrowing his brows as if he was thinking. "What were you saying to him? We're you telling him to attack Fletchley."

"Huh? You were right there — you heard me! I told him to stop. Harry said to leave him alone." I turned to him, still with my hands crossed, but taking a close inspection of his features, I realized that maybe he actually didn't hear me. "You did hear us... right?"

He nodded. "Well yeah, we definitely heard you, but —,"

I released a sigh and wiped my forehead, breaking a small smile. "Okay good, because for a second it seemed everyone thought I was crazy in there."

"Ava, everyone does think you're crazy! You were speaking Parseltongue! Of course they think you're crazy! That's not just something you hide from your friends!"

"What do you mean I was speaking Parseltongue? I was speaking another language?" That's when everything clicked. Yes, everyone heard me, but nobody understood me. But how was I speaking a language when I heard myself speaking english?

"For Merlin's sake — yes! Do you think snakes just know English? No - THEY DON'T!  They only understand Parseltongue, a snakes own language."

Draco was suddenly very intrigued in our conversation. "Ava, you know how awesome this is — well maybe not for you, but for me? You may have some Slytherin blood in you after all!"

"What do you mean?" I was still confused on how I spoke a different language.

"The only other person ever known to speak Parseltongue was Salazar Slytherin himself! It's a very rare talent! This must mean you are related to him... but how, is the question..."

"Draco, you're insane. There's no way I could be related to him. My parents are Potters! My mother is muggle born!"

"Do you really know who your fathers family is, hmm?" He raised his brows and u stood in silence, staring at my feet. Truth is, I had no clue who my father was related to. For all I know, maybe I was related to Slytherin... I did get sorted into Slytherin after all.

That night, sleep didn't come easy. Most of the time I spent rolling around, battling with my own thoughts. My thoughts began to blur together and form into a picture as I saw shelves materializing in my mind. I soon realized that I, or someone, was walking amongst these shelves — or crawling. Whatever was walking along the isles was practically dragging themself on the floor; but not dragging... sliding? Or slithering. This creature weaved through bookshelves of the library, sliding amongst the floor; seemingly searching for something... but what?

Without warning, my body jolted up; covered in sweat, head to toe. I couldn't explain how, but an overwhelming feeling of knowledge rushed over me. The creature from my dream was the creature responsible for those petrifications...  if I could find out what creature I saw, we could figure out how to stop the monster!

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