Diagon Alley

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"I don't think that's any of your business"

Witches and wizards filed in and out of various shops covering Diagon Alley. The cobblestone roads were sparkling clean and every store had unique architecture and colors. Towards the end of the Alley, there stood a building made fully of marble.

On the top of the building read Gringotts. From what I've heard, that is a wizard's bank.

    "Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Hagrid raised his hands into the air, catching some stray attention.

    "Wow," is all I could muster. I could never describe how magical this place made me feel. Good vibes and light surrounded every corner. Three wizards had already smiled at me when they passed! Hagrid eventually ushered us through the entrance and Harry pulled a letter from his pocket.

    He opened the envelope and out fell the list of equipment we needed. Harry was flabbergasted. "But Hagrid, how are we to afford all this? We haven't any money!"

    "Yeh you do! In there!" Hagrid pointed to the large marble building at the end of the Alley. "That there is Gringotts, and there ain't no safer place. 'Xcept perhaps Hogwarts. It's where all the money is kept, including yers."

    We followed Hagrid through the cobblestone streets until we reached Gringotts. The architect was beautiful—old, but beautiful. Surrounding the bank were white, marble pillars and stairs leading to a pair of glass doors.

    We trotted up the steps and opened the doors, revealing many tiny, pointed eared creatures. "What are they?" Harry whispered so that only Hagrid and I could hear. Lining the edges of the building were hundreds of desks and counters, each with one of those creatures.

    "Those Harry, are Goblins. Nasty little creatures they are... so le' me do all the talkin',"

    When we reached the front desks, an older Goblin emerged from behind the counter. "And what brings you here?" The little Goblins voice was ice cold, sending chills down my spine.

    "Harry an' Ava Potter here wish to access their vault," Hagrid replied, his voice monotone and stern.

    "And does Mister and Miss Ava Potter have their key?" The Goblin leaned forward, eyeing us both.

    Hagrid slipped one of his hands into his pocket. "Hold on, got it in 'ere somewhere— Ah! Here it is..." He slid a tiny golden key into the palm of the Goblin. "Oh, and also, I've a note from Dumbledore..." He handed a very secretive note to the Goblin and lowered his voice. "I need ter get into vault you-know-which for you-know-what."

    The Goblin nodded and motioned us to follow him behind the counter. We entered a room filled with minecarts and were greeted by a young Goblin. Honestly, I thought he was kind of cute—for Goblin standards that is...

Back on the luxury of the ground, I kissed the floor. Merlin,  I am never going back in there... who gave Goblins the license to drive? We almost flew off those minecarts!

Hagrid looked particularly green to the face and clutched his tiny package retrieved from vault 713. "Let's get out o' this place..." He led us out of Gringotts and towards Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions. "Yeh should get yer robes first. He pointed towards the shop. "Jus' tell em that yer firs' years."

Harry and I nodded, excited to be on our own and entered the shop. I haven't had this much fun in years!

"Hello dears, how can I help you?" A partially chubby women greeted us with a wide smile.

"Er—hello, we've come to get our robes fitted? We're first years," I said somewhat tentatively. Like I've said before, meeting new people isn't my cup of tea.

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