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"Thanking you ma for your patronage, hope to see you next time" I said smiling handing over the goods.

"Of course my dear, with your good service why wouldn't i come back?" the old woman giggled making her look more younger than she is.

I started working at a grocery store called "Stop n Shop", Kinda a funny name right? and ever since the time I have been working here I don't even know what's the reason for the name. My boss Mason who owns this place, is the grumpiest He can be who can make one run out of his own mind.

I would have stopped working here but I have made so much connection with the customers that they just feel like family to me, and also I'm in need of the extra cash so I'm stuck here and besides I can't get that pay anywhere.

"It's my pleasure, thank you ma" i said

With one more lasting look she said
"God bless you, I pray you answer his call" with that she left leaving me puzzled.

"Well that was strange... thank God that's the last customer for the day" i said regaining myself.

" back is literally aching me" Amy replied acting dramatically.

Amaka whom i call amy, is my best friend from kindergarten and we have been inseparable since then. She being the outspoken type and me the quiet type gave me an inkling that indeed "opposites attract" and to add sprinkles on our Ice cream. We began working at the same place since we graduated from high school.

I smiled... what a silly friend i have, always adding more drama than the way it is.

Taking a look at my watch, i saw that it's already late and time to lock the store up for the day.

"Well Amy I'm going home now, please don't forget to lock up the store real this time not like what you did yesterday" i reminded her while closing the windows of the store.

"Yeah yeah i know.... but it was just a small accident" Amy tried to counter.

"A small accident that would have cost us much" I said walking out of the store

"Please just do it okay....bye"

"Alright mama, bye" Amy said behaving like a baby.

Always a drama queen.

"Sure would miss this place for the weekend" I said taking one last look at the store even when i knew i would come back on Monday....


Taking in the feel of the evening breeze kissing my skin, i decided to take a walk instead of a taxi..... just wanted to enjoy the beautiful sunset scenery in front of me.

"Oh how much i love nature, and you O lord behind all these" i said to myself.

Still Mesmerized by the beauty, i began to thank the Lord for everything.

Still in my moment of praise, i saw a little stature coming my way, taking a greater insight i began to realize who it was.

It was that aged woman at the store today.

With reverence, i greeted her with a wave as she came closer.

"Good evening ma, do you still remember...." I said before she cut me short.

"Time is running out, you have to answer his call" She said with panic in her eyes and departed as quickly as she came.

Wondering who that old woman was talking about, i didn't notice when i changed route from my way to my home and ended up in the park which was quite deserted.

"Well that's not right" I thought to myself

Then there i heard a voice,



So how do you all see the first chapter, Intriguing right?...Well there's more from where that came from and also Who do you think is calling Zoe?

Let's Find out. don't forget to like, comment and share to all your friends. Remember, Jesus loves you❤️ and so do i.

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