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He can never leave you nor forsake you.

Bible text: Deuteronomy 31:6 saying
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the lord your God goes with you;HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU"

Bible chapter analysis:
  The Bible tells us in this chapter Deuteronomy 31 how Moses was telling the Israelites that he can't be able to lead them any more making them know not to be discouraged that God will lead them out of the wilderness and will help them fight all the battles that will come their way. He said to them that they should not be afraid but should put their trust in God because he was the one who has made them to be where they are now.

   Brethren, before passing through any situation in life God will always give us assurance that we are going to overcome it. In this time, the devil is using challenges as a means to make Christians fall short of God glory wanting them to go to hell with him.

  The devil knows that his destination is doom that is why he is trying to gather lots of people to go with him because he doesn't want to suffer alone. Life as a Christian is bed of roses so don't be fooled by anyone that it is not enjoyable, but we should also take note that roses still do have thorns meaning challenges will come.

  If u ever want to grow spiritually you have to pass through some challenges to help strengthen your faith. it will not be easy, battles will come just to remove our faith in God but God will always be with us to overcome them. He will strengthen us and give us the capacity to scale through.

  He said in his word that he will fight all our battles and Stand for us in the days of bad because he loves us so much all we have to do is believe in him that he can do abundantly above all we can ask for, have faith and come to him so that he can give you rest because he said in his word in Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.

  God is ready to help you, he just need you to depend on him fully so that he can take care of it. He has already promised you that he will not leave you like ur parents or friends he will always be by ur side. He loves you too much to leave you when u are in need of him, he loves you to the extent he can do anything for you but the condition is can u do anything for him back?.

  God is able to do all things, things considered impossible by men. In the bible he made it clear to us that nothing is made impossible through him

With God all things are possible

  So don't be afraid, always be courageous knowing the mighty man of war is standing with you to help you. God can never leave his children to suffer nor perish in any situation or the other. God knows ur pain and he is willing to help relieve it all what we should know is that knows everything before it happened and for him to allow it, it is for our good.

  Like how God helped the Israelites to leave Egypt he was always with them that is how he is always with you helping you to move forward in life. If it weren't for God most of us would not be where we are today but because of his mercy and love he allowed us to be alive today.

  Men will always abandon you but the most high will never leave you for one minute but what we should know is that all this thing still sum up to giving your life to Christ God loves his own and will always protect them but if you are not born again you are not his own making this an exception for you. Give him your life so that he can take care of it, surrender to him because he is willing to accept you back so that you can participate from his protection.

  Beloved ❤️, always remember you are God's child and no one can temper with you because he has your back. Some important people might have left but have this in mind HE CAN NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.

Prayer of today's topic: Father help me to always remember you are with me all the time in Jesus name AMEN 🙏.

  May the lord bless his word in Jesus name Amen 🙏.  Wow.... That was mind blowing, now I believe that indeed he can never leave us 😁.

  Some times, I just wonder why God loves us so much even to the extent of being with us ,thank you abba for this love.

  Okay so we are about to end today's show, please vote if you love this episode, comment about your experience so far on this show and share to support this show.

  Bye, my name is Zoe and see you next time on GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE!!!. Remain loved❤️.


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