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I continued with the show none stop and it was going so well than I expected... Truly God's plan is always the best so now I live each day fully trusting in him on this, unaware of the trials that awaits me until that day...


"So we are having big shopping sale coming up and the boss wants us to be on high alert to avoid product loss due to the massive population" Amy explained so concentrated.

I nodded looking elsewhere.

We are taking a walk to the shop this morning together. Yes you might still be wondering...yup we are that close and we never miss a moment to stick by each other...She is the sister I never had but always longed for and I'm always grateful for her.

"Also He said, we should make the place nice and spiffy according to what  his words because it needs to presentable for the customers" She added.

"Okay" I said still absentminded. I don't know what's really is wrong with me.

"Are you even listening?" She asked a little bit irritated, can't blame her for it.

"Sorry, it's just that I feel something bad is going to happen" I said apologetically.

"Like what?" She asked sympathetically.

"I don't just know... It's like He's warning me for what's ahead" I said feeling so sure.

"Well all we have to do is trust God to take over like He always does" She said with loving smile. princess in shinning armour, always there to direct me to the right path.

"Yeah" I smiled feeling my faith rising.

Finally we got to the entrance of store and as I was about to open the door of the store, I saw it was unlocked

"That's weird" I mumbled to myself.

"What happened?" Amy said behind me

"The door's unlocked" I said dumbfounded.

"Who's in there?"

"It's up to us to find out" I said confidently contrary to the situation we are in.

And we entered, to see the one we didn't expect to be here but is standing in front of us.

Oh boy!


"Hey Mason" I said after regaining myself after a few minutes of shock that I even forgot to address him formally.

"It's boss to you Anderson" He said arrogantly not looking at me.

"Boss what are you doing here?" Amy finally asked.

"Yeah, we didn't think you would come today even at this time" I added.

"I can come anytime I want to, besides it is my store Anderson" He said finally looking straight at me in the eyeballs.

"Sorry sir" I said looking down.

"So what brought you here today sir?" Amy asked again trying to clear up the tension.

Are you seeing why she's my princess in shinning armour?

"Well I bring news with me" He said very seriously.

"Which is?" I asked curiously

"You are fired" He said directing his attention to me.

"WHAT???" Both me and Amy asked at the same time.

If it was in a comical situation, we would have laughed about how we spoke at the same time but it wasn't.

"Why?" Amy asked instead, because I was too dumbfounded to speak.

"You just have to make me explain, don't you?" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Like i said before you are fired, it seems you haven't been giving your all to your work and has been absent most times"

"Who told you that?" I inquired

"I have eyes everywhere Anderson, you can't deceive me" He said smirking, making me feel disappointed at myself.

It's true I haven't really been active for the past few days because I have been occupied with GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE.

"But I promise to be more active, I really need this job" I said pleading

"Well there's only two ways to go about it, either you stop whatever you are doing or you get out of here. it's your choice darling not mine" He had a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

Now I was in a crossroad of my life not knowing what to do, Should I stop the show and focus on my work or Forget about the job...But I really need this job.

Being so indecisive about it, I felt a peace that passes all understanding come over me and immediately I knew my pick.

"NO" I said so sure

"Well it's bye bye now...Chop chop" He said chasing me away.

With no hesitation, I packed up all my things and was ready to go. Walking up to the entrance door I heard Amy voice

"YOU ARE HEARTLESS" She said shouting at him.

"If you don't tame your tongue, You would lose yours too. You should be thankful you still have yours" He said with pure hatred and that shut Amy up.

With not one look back I left the store, asking God if I made the right decision but deep down in my spirit I knew it was.

"Nothing will make me stop the call of my Creator, Nothing!!" I said with determination in my heart.


BAM! BAM! BAM!....

Well that was something I didn't really expect even at the beginning of the book. Now Zoe finally lost her job and it seems the world is turning their backs on her, what do you think she will do next?

Drop your opinions and let's find out in next chapter?


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