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The Greatest helper, The True comforter

Bible Text: John 14:26 saying
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy spirit whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach me all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you"

Who is the Greatest helper and the True comforter?

  The Greatest helper who we are talking about is the Holy spirit which the verse above John 14:26 has made us to understand. Most people are very quick when answering the question "who is the Holy spirit?", Some will say "He is the third person in trinity", others will say"He is the spirit of God" and just stop there.

  Well those all are good answers but the truth is he is more than that....and that's what we are going to look into today. When Jesus wanted to ascend to heaven, he said to his disciples that he will not go and leave them helpless but will send the comforter to come to help us and that comforter is the Holy spirit.

  The Holy spirit came to this world to help us in every thing we do in this last days, he is the promise of God to all Christians. The Holy spirit can reveal himself to us in different dimensions depending on how he wants to manifest in our lives even though he is still the same spirit of God. The bible tells us more on his different dimensions in Revelation 5:6 saying

And I beheld, and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirit of God sent forth into all the earth.

  The bible verse is telling us that the spirit of God which is the Holy spirit is diverse in seven ways, The Holy spirit was sent to the earth to fufill a mission and further, the word of God gives us a good understanding of this seven spirits by listing them in the book of Isaiah as:

📌 The Spirit of the Lord
📌 The Spirit of wisdom
📌 The Spirit of understanding
📌 The Spirit of Counsel
📌 The Spirit of might
📌 The Spirit of knowledge
📌 The Spirit of the fear of the Lord

  All these are the seven ways the Holy spirit can appear in but we are not going to dwell too much on it. We will be looking at the Ministries which the Holy spirit operates in the Kingdom of God below. Take a look👇


1. The Revelation ministry of the Holy spirit: The Holy spirit is the greatest revealer there ever is. He knows every single thing, Things beyond human understanding he knows and can reveal to those who diligently ask of him. For better understanding, let's take a look at 1 Corinthians 2:10 saying

But God hath revealed them unto by his Spirit for the spirit searches all things, yeah the deep things of God.

  God has already revealed and has given us everything to us but the reason why most of us can't gain access to them is because the devil has blinded most Christians spiritually and has taken away our spiritual sensitivity but the Holy spirit the spirit of God is here to reveal to us  all the promises of the Father that he has made towards us that we may access them.

  When the Holy spirit is at work in your life, he begins to reveal to you the deep things of God and he shows you the happenings in the mind of God. Also he expands your spiritual visibility, What others cannot see you begin to see it, what others cannot hear you begin to hear, what are not visible to the physical world is made visible to you all because his revelation ministry has been opened up to you.

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