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His precious body laying lifeless on the bed, wrapped fully in something to what looked like a balm. Pipes of different kind from machines hooked to every part of His fragile body. Just this sight of him made me scared, that I just couldn't believe my very eye.

Am i dreaming?....No i do not think so.

He looked so awful that i could not even recognize him any more. His eyes closed and His face looking so pale, Oh The Toni i grew up with is totally different from the one i am seeing now and i couldn't help myself from feeling like crying.

Due to my mind still registering this situation, i just stood there looking straight at him not minding if any one was present in the room currently. All my focus was on him, only him alone that i didn't want it to be on anyone else.

He didn't deserve this, He didn't deserve any of the pain He is passing through right now. He is a kind soul who love making everyone around him happy. He always help people and show love to everyone even if they were not related to him, including me so why does He have to pass through this torture of life?.

If it was up to me i would have exchanged places with him because He didn't to go through this, but i wasn't in charge. All i have to do now is to pray for his recovery and just rely on God's will.

Indeed, There was never a dull moment with him around.

With the memories i had with him playing continually in my head, i did not notice i have been crying all this while, until a hand reached out to my face wiping my tears. It was my mum's....

"Everything will be okay baby, you have to be strong for both him and Amy" Mummy whispered wiping my tears with her tender hands, and it was at the mention of Amy that i remembered i had bigger stuffs to attend to which was comforting her.

She really needs it more than i do right now.

Scanning the room for her, it was then i noticed two couple seating at the corner of the room curled up in each other arms. I think they were in their late fortys but still they looked younger than the way they supposed to be. Looking closely at them i began to notice, they were influentially dressed with a very high taste of fashion. The man wearing a black suit was consoling His wife who was crying deeply wrapped in his arms, She too was dressed in a suit but this time a white one.

Something about them spoke farmiliarity to me like i have seen them before. Observing them more closely, i realized they looked so much like Amy and Toni which can mean only one thing..

They are Amy's parents!!

Wow! this is the first time i am actually seeing them face to face not on pictures or videos and they appear even more appealing now than in pictures, even if they looked as if they have been crying for some time now. Now i know where Amy got her beauty from... it finally good to attach face to a name.

Speaking of which, i totally forgot about Amy again. Going back to my search, i spotted someone who looked like her sitting beside Toni's hospital bed and resting her head on it. Sighting a chair close to her, i made my way there and sat down. After some minutes of silence i decided to initiate a discussion.

"Hello Amy" I said nervously which was something i don't do. Why do i feel scared and shy to talk to her all of sudden?... which is weird.

Get it together Zoe, She's your best friend remember!.

Raising up her head to check who was talking to her, her eyes landing on me i could see the tiredness written all over her face. it looked like she has not slept for a long time. Her formerly glowy plump beautiful face is now replaced with an aged tear stricken face. Seeing her like this, i felt so pained in my spirit that i just wanted to comfort her right now but something shocking happened.

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