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His Right choice

Bible Text: Deuteronomy 14:2 saying "You have been set apart as Holy to the Lord your God, and He has chosen you from all nations of the earth to be his own special treasure".

What do we mean by the process "choosing"?

Choosing or the process of choosing means to set something or someone apart for a purpose or use among many others. It can also imply picking something or someone out of a crowd suitable for a specific purpose. Let's use ourselves for an example; Humans tend to do this most of the times. If we want to get something valuable from a collection of objects, we select the one most suitable that will help us to do what we want to do, that is how God chooses too.

He will always choose the person that will be suitable for his use. The bible text above tells us about God choosing one for a specific purpose to do on this earth, but the thing is it is not everyone that gets to be chosed or picked by God. Only few can access that opportunity and those are the believers of God, only them are set apart for his use.

Once one is born again God chooses that person as his own child, we receive the spirit of adoption to become his child so only those that believe in him can be chosen as his own.

During choosing, God always picks the right person for his business, you know it is God's business to spread the gospel to the world and He uses men to do it. It is not any kind of person but someone who has pleased him and has found favour in his eyes, that is why it is necessary we get to know about the attributes of the Right choice of God and that is what we will be looking at below👇


1. Obedience; One of the attributes of God's choice is obedience, He or she is always obedient to God. God loves the ones who obeys his commandments and ways, he loves the ones who always take heed to his words that is why if you want to be chosen by God you have to be obedient to his voice.

You have to follow what he tells you even if it looks difficult, let's take Abraham as an example; Abraham was very obedient to God, anything God tells him to do He will always do it. Imagine God telling you to leave your father's house and follow him to a place he has promised you to have which you haven't seen with your eyes. Most of us won't have gone because we might think it is a very crazy plan, some would try to shut out the voice of God and move on with life but Abraham did not do all those things but He obeyed the Lord.

He followed God to the Land that He promised him{A land of milk and honey} and God blessed all round, this is to show you how Obedient Abraham was to God. Even, when God told him to kill his son Isaac He obeyed the Lord and almost did it but God being faithful stopped him. You have to obedient for God to choose you out of others.

2. A Lover of God: Another attribute is you must be a lover of God. You must love the Lord and make him your top priority in life, this is true because anyone that says He loves God must obey his commandments because our proof of God for God is keeping his commandments. This is how it is, even the Bible confirms it in 1 John 5:3 saying

For this is the Love of God, that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not greivous.

And also in John 14:15 saying

If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

Brethren, a real lover of God keeps the Lord's commandments at all times so if you don't follow his ways you don't love the Lord.

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