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"Amaka can you pass me the..." I yawned feeling so tired.

"Didn't get much sleep huh?" Amy said nonchalantly cleaning the table.

So we were in the store tidying up for today's rush, seems like the customers hasn't known that we are open or less this place would have been packed like a tin of sardine.

"Yeah... Had something important to do, that took my time" I explained shrugging.

"Okay" She said again nonchalantly, which is becoming suspicious....she doesn't act like this.

"What? Just okay?" I inquired confused.

"What do you expect me to say than okay?" she said smirk

"Like what is it? Or How are you doing?... something just like that" I said explained.

"But what if I don't want to do all that" She smirk finally looking at me.

Still wondering why she's acting like this, recognisation started to peek in and I smiled knowingly

"You know about it, don't you?"

"Yup and PS every body knows about it, it went viral" She said like the nerd she is.

"But why didn't you say anything?" I inquired.

"Well...I just wanted to mess with you but I must say, for someone that just started, you were pretty good out there" She said smiling widely

"All glory to God for that, I couldn't have done it without him and also thank you for always believing in me even when I thought I couldn't do it" I thanked her feeling so grateful for her in my life.

"Awwnn.. my baby, I'm just so happy you have started fufilling your call" She said hugging me.

"I'm still happy too" I said, realising I really needed the hug

"But I'm still upset with you" she said pulling out of the hug, but her hands still on my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Well...I want to be apart of GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE crew. Helping with the camera lighting and all that, just want to be there supporting you all the way"

My heart almost melted at what she said...

"Of course" I complied

"Thank you...and why don't we call precious if she can join us. The more the merrier" I suggested.

"Well that's good with me"

"Okay it's settled then" she said getting her phone and dialling precious's number.

Suddenly she picked, and began talking on the phone. While watching her, I saw her facial expression change into a smiling face so I decided to ask her.

"Why the smiling?" I mouthed the words since she's on the call.

"She saw the show too yesterday, and says it was beautiful" She mouthed back, removing the phone from her ear and blocking the phone's microphone.

"Oh..." I replied smiling.

Then she returned to the call, after a few minutes of talking she ended it.

"So....?" I asked, hoping for a positive response.

"Well... She said she would absolutely love to join, she was even thinking of asking you about it" She said smirking

"Nice....thank you Amy" I said

"So Enough with the Thank you already" She exclaimed playfully, her hand on her waist

"You can't just blame me, I'm just so thankful for having you all in my life"

"We are also thankful for you too" She said, making me melt the more...

A few minutes of silence with sulking in our words, Amy spoke interrupting the silence...

"Enough with this cheesy moment, let's finish cleaning up before any customer comes" She said going back to work.

"You just had to ruin the moment"  I said going back to work.

"But you love me any ways" she giggled.

And before I could have the chance to reply, the door bell rang signifying an arrival

Another stressful day yet again.

"Great" I said sarcastically.


"So we had a bible contest which I tried to win but I didn't though... didn't really prepare for it" Precious explained

Yes we were all with precious catching up, sitting in store during our break. I have to say, I didn't know she would go this far to come down here but surprisingly precious had other ideas but I'm thankful she came.... always loved her company.

"Also we always setup camp fire at nights every Friday where we will all gather and discuss more on our growth, challenges and improvements as followers of God and at the end we get to learn from each other stories...I would say that was my best experience there at camp" She said daydreaming

"Well that was beautiful, I wish I was there" Amy chimed in

"Me too, I bet it was really educative and spirit filled" I said.

"That it was" She said confirming my words.

"So enough with me, what have you all been up to?" She asked, acting so interested.

"Well except about the show development, there's nothing much" Amy said shrugged.

"You call that nothing much?" She smirked, raising her right eye brow up

"You have got a point there" Amy agreed.

"So how did it all happen?"precious asked directing it to me.

So I begin to narrate to her all that happened, not leaving anything out..

"Mind blowing, Couldn't wish for more of that experience" She said acting all dramatic.

Well that's makes two of them.

"So when will the next episode be?"

"When He calls me to do it I suppose, remember it's His show not mine"

"Great and when it happens, just know we are with you supporting you all the way" Precious said placing her hand on my mine.

"Thanks guys" I said appreciatively

"So I have to go now, I really spent much time here than I expected" She said checking her wrist watch and getting up.

"Yep you better be going, it's kinda getting late" I said standing up too to see her off to the door.

"Bye Guys" she said, walking out the shop.

"Bye precious" We all chorused

"Stay safe" I called out to her but she might have been gone by now.

"So let's get back to work" Amy standing up but then...

I heard His voice

"It's time"

"Roger that sir" I said turning round to leave but not being halted by Amy.

Oh I forgot about Amy.

"Where are you off to?" She asked completely confused

"To answer the call of my creator" I said, immediately I said that She understood.

"Will cover up for you" she said smiling

"What will I ever do without you?" I said with haste.

"Nothing" She smirked shrugging

"Now go! go!! go!!!" She said chasing me away out of the store and so I ran not before thanking God for the people He has placed in my life.


Another chapter done and dusted😅😅. Glory to God!!!

See you in the next chapter🤭.

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