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The Flesh will always try to rule

Bible Text: Galatians 6:8 saying "Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction. Whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the spirit will reap eternal life."

What do we mean by "The Flesh"?

  To every normal Human, when we are asked about what is the flesh? Two words comes into our mind "The Human body". Well, the answer is correct but there is a deeper understanding of what the flesh is which is best and that is what the Word of God is saying.

  The Flesh is the desires of our body or it can also be said as What our body craves for which is not in alignment with the will of God for us. The Flesh is in alignment with the World which is the world system Satan operates, it gives to the ways of the world. Whatever the flesh wants is of the world.... Take note.

  Remember, in the creation time God created man out of the dust of the earth into his own image and likeness, both in Soul, Spirit and body. And God's agenda for man was to live eternally with Him without death or sin but the Devil wanted otherwise and that was how he deceived man into sinning against God, thereby making man's flesh and body accessible for the devil to use and since then what the devil has been using to penetrate to man is through His flesh.

  But God brought us to know that there is a way we can overcome the oppression of the flesh and that way is  accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour, thereby making us born of the Spirit.

  The Spirit of God overcomes the Flesh and the Word of God has told us that if one is in Christ He is a spirit resembling His Father because God is a spirit and be able to overcome the things the World offers. But, before we go deeper into this let's us get to know How the flesh works or How does the devil use the flesh to manipulate....


  The Devil Father of lies is against the Children of God. He doesn't want the saints to prosper on earth and be with God eternally but wants the Children of God to be his own and to be with him in Hell fire, for he knows his end is DOOM!!! and that is why he is using all means to draw people with him to Hell and the major two means he uses to target the Children of God is the MIND and the FLESH,and he uses them together because they are destructive linked together.

  The MIND is very powerful, most of our actions comes from our minds before they are done. Anything one does, the person has already thought about it in his mind before doing it, that's why the devil loves to target the mind first. Even the Bible makes us understand more about the mind in Matthew 12:34 saying

O generation of vipers, how can ye being evil speak good things?. For out of the abundance of the heart (mind) the mouth speaketh

  Once, the devil has defeated your mind by filling it with his lies and deceit, there is an higher chance he can overcome you because through your thoughts there comes your speech and actions. And when he is done and one subjects to his lies, he then goes to the FLESH.

  He will make your flesh want more of the ungodly things and make it lust over the desires of the world and, when someone cannot fight the urge of the flesh it will then lead to SIN. One can sin by only thinking and by actions and words. That is why it is important to be born of the Spirit that we can overcome, but as Children of God it is important we know what the Flesh entails so that when it's urge comes, we can be able to resist it that it may flee and that is what we will be learning below👇


1. The Flesh loves sin: The Bible explains more on this to us in Galatians 5:19-21 saying

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