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Taking the greatest decision of life

Bible text: Romans 10:9-10 saying
"And if you confess with your mouth the lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"

What is the greatest decision to make in life?
  Some people believe that the best decision one can make is to make a decision that we will end them up in wealth, some will say to be educated, others might say owning an inheritance. Those are actually good answers but I tell you today the greatest decision you can make in life is accepting Jesus Christ as your personal saviour.

  It might sound absurd but is the most important decision made in life. The Bible made us understand that God gave his son Jesus Christ to die for you and me in the cross of Calvary so that we can be saved telling you how much he loves you. He made the greatest sacrifice just for you because he doesn't wish you to perish but wants you to see the true light of who he is.

  Jesus took up the assignment to die for us, some would have said NO!!, and disobey but he followed it anyway. It was easy doing it and the worst thing was that when he wanted to die for us some people condemned him but because of his unconditional love he over looked it.

  Life without Christ is a life without a meaning, full of regrets, sin and bitterness taking the person nowhere only destroying the person's soul but with Jesus Christ you have no limits because he is taking care of you. There is no sin that our father in heaven cannot forgive you might be saying my sin is too big for him to forgive No he loves you too much not to forgive, all he needs from you is your heart give him a go ahead of your life and he will establish his promises for you.

  God's plan for us is not for anyone to perish in hell but to show forth his glory to the world, the bible says in John 3:16

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.


  What everyone should know is that God is not someone who will force himself on You that is why he gave us a choice life and death to pick, just pick life which is him and he will change your life for the better, cleanse you and make you brand new without spots.

  God wants his children to be saved but there is one who doesn't want that and his name is the devil, he is the father of lies and sins don't heed to him because he will always try to make children of God to deviate from God's calling and as you do so you will rejoice in heaven in Jesus mighty name AMEN.

  If you want to be saved and be counted as God's child please say this prayer with me.

Lord Jesus I'm a sinner, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you died for me and rose again on the third day. I accept you as my lord and personal saviour dwell in my heart O lord. Thank you heavenly father because I know I am a born again for in Jesus mighty name I have prayed AMEN 🙏.

  If you said that prayer know that the angels are rejoicing in heaven Congratulations. Brethren, I know as you have received Jesus, you won't regret TAKING THE GREATEST DECISION OF LIFE

Prayer of today's topic: Father give me the grace to live a life that pleases you serving you all the days of my life.

  May the Almighty God bless his word in Jesus name Amen!!. That was great don't you think?😉 Who can imagine the greatest decision one can make in life is getting saved by our lord*At thoughts*.

  I totally understand why we need to read his word to know him better, father thank you for your word. Okay so we are about to round up this show, I'm so grateful for a successful time on this show please if any contribution comment , don't forget to vote, and share this show with your friends.

  Bye see you next time, my name is Zoe and don't forget that the holy one up loves you so much😍.

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