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What are they doing here?


There they were sitting comfortably right here in front of me. None of them actually noticed that i just entered because they were too engrossed in a discussion they were having. I can't believe they came back to get me.

One part of me just want to run and hug them closely not letting them go, because i really do miss them but when i remember what they did to me, the other part discourages me against it but prompts me to ignore them.

Feeling hatred peeking in, I did the one thing that felt so good to do at this moment, which i haven't done or even thought of doing it to my parents ever untill this moment.

I shouted at them!

"GET OUT!!!" I shouted with so much rage  which drew their attention.

The reaction i got from that outburst was something i partially expected "SHOCK" all over their faces, even Amy's which i just noticed has been present all this while.

Looks like she got back from work early for some unknown reason.

I knew they didn't expect my outburst because me being a good child all my life and suddenly one day forgetting my proper home training and portraying one bad attitude, is something that needs to be surprised about but you can't blame me they obviously really think that they could just walk back in my life and expect me to be fine with them after what they did to me.

Well they must be highly mistaken.

After regaining themselves, I heard my mum say already on her feet with pleading eyes.

"Baby please can we talk this over as a family?"

"Family? you actually just called us a family. Family don't chase their loved ones out of the house in the rain without any valid explanation do they huh?" I laughed displeased looking straight in the eyes with her which she didn't return because she knew i was right.

"Zoe pls can you just hear them.." Amy said but before she could finish her statement, i stopped her.

"Amaka please stay out of this, if you didn't allow them in the first place, i wouldn't be making us pass through this drama and besides you should even be supporting me, not being on their side" I said facing my anger on her.

I am seriously angry at her right now, why would she defend them and take their side not mine. She knows what they did to me was not nice but still she let them in without thinking about my feelings.

I know i shouldn't be behaving like this and should try to hear them out, but the thing is that i couldn't find it in my heart to do. They broke my trust and allowing them back into my life might put me in fear of them doing it again even if i want them so badly.

But i just can't.

This time it was my Dad that spoke after being silent all this while

"Zoe it's me you should throw your anger on, not your mum or Amy. I'm the one to be blamed for it and i am deeply sorry for breaking your heart"

I could see it in his eyes that He was truly sorry and i almost fell for it but, the anger in me couldn't allow me to heed to his plea, so i decided not to lead them on but go straight to the point.

"Dad ,Mum I'm really not in a good mood to talk so please can you leave right now" I said addressing them.

"So when will you be ready to talk so that we can come back again?" My mum said with a little encouraging smile but all that wiped off at the mention of my response.

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