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Just pray and believe

Bible text: Mark 11:24 saying
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours"

  So there are two major entities which we will be dwelling on fully today, they are PRAYER and FAITH. I know most of you already know what prayer and faith means, and can easily say it with ease but today, we are going to look at what the Word of God is saying concerning these two.

What is prayer and faith?
  Prayer according to the bible is the direct communication or interaction between God and man, a means in which man relates with God while faith according to the word of God is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. This two forces are absolutely different in nature but both carries power respectively and, when they are combined, they bring about an outpour of spiritual blessings in one's life.

  Prayer and faith aren't just ordinary terms in the spirit realm, they are spiritual weapons which used rightly triggers undeniable miracles, signs and wonders that can't be understood by mere thinking and understanding.

  Brethren, Jesus has already assured us that if we can only pray and believe we will get what we desire fully confirming if you can only pray about that challenge you are facing and trust in God you will get answers to your prayers because Faith is the key to prayer being answered.

  Prayer doesn't work alone without faith, neither do faith work alone without prayer, you can't just pray without believing and expect results or believe that everything is already sorted out and not pray about it it doesn't work that way because they are incomplete without each other Remember the two has to be put together if you want answers to your heart desires.

  Our God is ever so powerful that he can do anything, all we just have to do is to pray and have faith in God knowing that he can handle any situation we are in, any storm we are facing and any sickness we are experiencing but NOTE for all these things to come to reality, we have to take up the two powerful secrets to overflowing blessing.

  Many people in the bible and even in our recent times has experience the move of the spirit of God in one situation or the other because they believed in him, let's take a look at few of them:

1. Hannah; Hannah was considered barren because she could not conceive a child but when she cried to God in prayer believing she will conceive, she got her result speedily and gave birth to Samuel.

2. Daniel; Daniel was a man of prayer, he loves praying even when he is in trouble and that's why God always come through for him because he always believe that God can do it. Not only did all this people get their results, others did too because they believed in the Lord.

  Brethren, never doubt the Lord always pray and believe he can do it, talk to your creator about that challenge you are passing through because he wants to hear from you today because he wants to take that burden away from you. It's time you wake up from that slumber and start engaging the supernatural weapon which God has given you to overcome the challenges of the world because you aren't a ordinary person but a child of God.

  But, beloved ❤️ know that a prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto the Lord. So dear friend be saved, let him take care of your life, allow him into your life so that he can help you and as you do so may the Lord bless you in Jesus mighty name AMEN!!!.

  Prayer of today's topic: Father Lord, give me the undeniable spirit of prayer and help me to always believe in you even in the time of good and bad in Jesus mighty name AMEN 🙏.

  May the Lord bless his word in Jesus name Amen. So that was beautiful... I didn't know prayer and faith could be that powerful. I encourage everyone including myself 😁 to take our prayer lives more seriously than before even though it might not be easy 😔 but with God helping us we can do it💪.

  Okay, we will be rounding up soon. please vote, share and comment on how the show has impacted your life so far on this amazing journey.

  Bye my name is Zoe your wonderful host and see you next time on GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE!!!. Continue to dwell in his presence 😊.

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