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I entered into our house and called out.

"DAD! MOM! I'm back"

Well I just got back from the afternoon program, we were holding in our church for was amazing and I learnt so much but I'm really tired and needed to rest but before that I have to look for my parents... Can't wait to see them.

After I called out I heard no reply which was weird, usually my mom and dad would have answered me. Walking close to the Kitchen I began to hear whispers coming from inside so I decided to check.

Upon getting there, I saw it was my parents discussing but immediately they saw me they stopped... that was not right I felt it in my guts, that they were hiding something from me.

"Good afternoon Dad and Mom" I greeted normally, like I didn't just notice what they did.

"Good afternoon baby" Mum replied back with a charming smile.

"Gud afternoon" Daddy replied shortly. That's odd Daddy doesn't behave like this, He's always bubbly and lively maybe He just had a bad day I guess.

"How was the event?" Mum asked

"It was fine but I'm really exhausted and I need to rest, Will see you guys at dinner" I said badding them Goodbye and turning round to leave but I was stopped by my Dad.

"Zoe, we need to talk" He said tapping the seat of the chair, with seriousness written all over his face.

"Okay sir" I said obeying him even though I was too tired, to have a conversation right now.

"So Dad What's up?" I asked facing him smiling.

"Well Me and your mum have been discussing..."

"I noticed that" I said nodding my head.

"And we have concluded you go and look for a Job" He said with finality, no single speck of a smile to follow.

"But Dad I told you guys before that I want to focus more on something important, that's why I can't work" I explained, wishing they understand.

"Oh you are talking about that Child's play you call a show, isn't it?" He said irritatedly.

Now I'm getting a notion that isn't my Dad, Maybe it's his clone or something.

"Dad it isn't a child's play, it's my calling" I said with so much determination.

"Oh you have started with the calling and stuff, Life isn't cupcake and rainbows and the sooner you get to know it, the better"

"Okay tell me, How much have you made from that stupid show? 2000 Naira? 4000 Naira?... Just tell me" He shouted standing up, expecting for my reply but I couldn't just say anything.

"I thought as much, Zoe you need to come in terms with reality. Likes and comments can't place food on the table or pay the bills" He said trying to convince me.

After regaining myself to speak, I said
"But why must I always do it, why am I the breadwinner of this family?, Why can't you do it..." But before I could complete my words I was halted by the slap Daddy gave me.

"You will do what I say and not question me, that is final" He shouted at me with so much detest.

"I can not stop the show" I said confidently, feeling tears gathering at the brim of my eyes.

"Then there's no point of you being here, LEAVE!!!" He shouted again.

Me oblivious thinking He was telling to leave to my room, rose up and started making my way to the stairs until my steps were stopped by his words.

GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOEWhere stories live. Discover now