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"Zoe" A voice called again, it just felt so good to be called by this voice, almost making me want more.

"Whose out there?" I called out a little bit terrified, looking maybe to see someone but no one.

No answer

"Maybe it's just Amy trying to play a prank on me" I thought to myself.

"Amy you can come out now, you win you win" I said trying to calm myself.


"It's not funny anymore" I said feeling scared.

Still no answer

"Zoe it is I, don't be afraid"

"How do you know my name?" I asked accusingly.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you...

Quickly realizing who it was, I fell on my knees and cried out
"Here I am...Lord, what do you want me to do?"

"Zoe, the time has come for you to do what I sent you to do. My people are getting weary in the faith because of the tribulations of these Last days, so I am forming an army who will fight for me in these times and i choosing you to be a part "

"But how do I do so, Lord?" I inquired head still bowed

"As you see, so will you understand"

And I was pulled into a trance, of another dimension. Then a girl was shown to me, standing on stage in front of an audience clapping and awaiting for someone but who?. Feeling mesmerized by the scene, He explained

"Those audience clapping are the end time church, my people which i will come to meet without blemish or stain... and that girl you see there is you the host of the show and I am the one they are anticipating for"

"So you want me to set up a show Lord?"

"No not just any show...a Christian show that will serve as an interview with me" He said

"It will be the bridge between me and my people, where they can hear directly from me"

"But I can't even speak to my mates very well, talk more of a full big crowd" I reasoned making my fears take over me.

"I am the one that chose you and I don't make mistakes"

"But what if I fail?, What if I don't succeed and get carried away?"

"Remember, I am the "I Am that I Am" and I am always be with you. For I know the thoughts I think towards you declares the Lord the plan of Good and not of evil...." The voice said slightly fading away.

Coming back to reality, I realized that it was already dark and I needed a means to go home. Thankfully a taxi pulled over and I got in.

"St Andrews main street, behind the filling station" I said comfortly taking my seat, not paying attention to the driver

"Oh...okay" a old man voice said

Taking a look out the window, to buy up some time I began to rethink what has happened.

First it was the mysterious message of the old woman at the shop and on my way home and then God's call at the park... What will be next?

"This day couldn't get anymore confusing" I mumbled to myself but it did.

Getting a glimpse of billboard, I caught sight of the inscription that drew my attention which says

For my thoughts are higher than your thoughts and my ways are higher than your ways said the Lord... Isaiah 55:8

And with that, my thinking changed forever... Maybe this day isn't that bad after all.

The next day

"So wait...you are telling me that God himself spoke to you yesterday when you left the store" Amaka asked for clarification.

"Mm-hm" I said adjusting myself on my bed.

We were in my bedroom.

"And He told you to set up a show, you being the host and him the guest speaker" She asked being so calm that it felt too fishy, The Amy I know would have started acting up and being all dramatic.

"Yes..." I replied quite confused, why the sudden interrogation...

"Well that's so beautiful" She squealed so loud

"Quiet down, you are disturbing my parents" I shushed her

"Sorry" she said apologetically

"But i can't believe this, I'm so happy for you" she said happily hugging me

"Yeah..." I said a little disappointed

"What happened Zoe?, aren't you happy about this?" Amy asked quickly pulling out of the hug, remorsefully putting on her mother attitude.

This is the reason i love her, always there and up to the rescue.

"No" i reply shortly looking away

I can't meet those innocent eyes

"Why?" she asked feeling sad.

"Can't you see?, I'm obviously not a host material. I can't speak in crowd and i get nervous and stammer when speaking to people other than my parents and you" i shouted making an outburst that made her flinch and now i feel so bad for it...

"Sorry" i apologized, now it's my turn to apologize.

"It's okay, i shouldn't have pushed you" she said having a faint smile on her face, trying to make everything seem okay, even when i know she blames herself for it.

"No it's not you, i shouldn't have done that if I controlled my temper" i said taking the blame.

"Don't worry the past is past, but you can't run away from your destiny you know?" She said placing her hands on my shoulder.

"Yeah i know..... but what if I'm not good enough and i fail, what if i stammer in front of the camera and people begin to laugh at me? What if?" I reasoned

"There are chances those things might happen, but what if you get there and overcome your fear, remember He was the one that chose you and He never makes mistakes"

"Now you are just talking exactly what He said" i smiled recalling what He said.

"I am?...well that makes the two of us" she smiled so widely

"So what do you say?" She asked expectantly

"Oh well let's give it a shot, it's better to try than not doing at all" i replied smiling

"Oh YES! YES! YES! YES!" She squealed jubilating, and jumping on my bed.

This girl sure love squealing...

"Calm down you don't have to make a fuss about it" I smiled amusingly at the sight before me

"Well this is great, but quick question when is it going to start and how are we going to get the equipments?"

"Very soon at it's most, and we are going to start small i guess...The one that sent us on this will provide" i said, praying it may be true.

"Amen, but i do have some old equipments at home my brother owned before but doesn't use...i think we can work with that"

"Yes...thank you Amy for the support" i thanked her from the bottom of my heart.

"Psst what are friends for...i will just go home and get it, but before i go what is the name of the show?" She asked as she rose up to go

"I don't know... haven't thought of it yet" i said thinking.

Then He told me and it clicked.

"GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE" I said so confidently.


Hello guys👋, so how was this chapter?. I would love to get to know your opinions on it in the comment page but please no bad criticism...We all are here to motivate and learn from one another not the other way round.

God bless you and see you in the next chapter😍.

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