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"So how has life been treating you at school bro?" Amy asked curiously.

We just got back home from the outing, and I must say it was AMAZING!!!. Toni carried us to the most enchanting places, first it was the fun fare which me and Amy rode all of our favorite rollercoaster rides.

Amy almost chickened out because of her fear of heights on most rollercoaster rides but thank God I and Toni were able to calm her down, Indeed the Holy spirit took care of everything.

Also We went to eat at a very expensive restaurant called "Mavino's", it has all the delicious delicacies that I couldn't even decide what to pick but at the end Amy finally chose for me and it was nice pick.

At the end of it, all I can say is that it was so beautiful and I couldn't thank Toni enough for making it memorable and now voila here we are at home.

Also before I forget, Toni already knows that I'm living here. Amy who is not being able to keep anything from her brother decided to inform him instead of her parents, Yeah she doesn't really have a good relationship with them. So back to what I was saying, but she didn't tell him the full story like why am I here in the first place and I'm grateful to God for that.

I really don't want anyone to know about the issue I had with my parents, it's only Pastor Derek and Amy that know about it and I prefer it that way.

The lesser the people that know the better, even Precious didn't know up till recently that's why she hasn't been here since.

"Oh well it has been wonderful and also stressful at the same time, but I couldn't ask for more tho" He answered with a smile.

"Sure would be nice, if I could tag along with you there" She said disappointedly her head downcast. Seeing her like this I already knew she wants to go there because of her parents.

Despite the indifference and hatred she portrays towards them on the outside, I know deep down she misses and loves her parents so much even if she doesn't admit it.

Her parents has a house somewhere in London which they temporarily live in sometimes because they get busy with work and travel a lot, so basically Toni gets to see them more often than she does which really isn't that good for Amy.

Toni also sensing the same thing, tried to change the topic.

"So what have you guys been up to, ever since I have been gone?" He asked drawing Amy's attention to him.

I think that did the trick, thank God He was quick to respond.

"Oh nothing much really, just that Zoe lost her job and her parents disowned her..." Amy rambled on until she realized what she had just said, but before she could stop... It was already too late.

Oh no... Just knew she would finally tell him soon, but I didn't expect it to be now.

"Wait what!! your parents disowned you?" He exclaimed directing his attention to me.

"Yeah..."I said scratching my hair nervously.

How am I going to handle this situation?, Now this is the main reason I didn't want anyone to know about this. They will just take it out of proportion, not knowing everything happens for a reason.

"Why didn't none of you tell me?" He said. He was already on his feet now.

"Because we didn't want to bother you because we know you would have travelled the minute you heard it, to come and settle the matter but the thing is what is done is done" Amy said speaking the plain truth.

Now she was still in the stance as her brother, I didn't know she can become that defensive.

"I know you would have tried to come, even if it was not comfortable for you to help me. that's why I didn't tell you. I don't want you to worry" I said

He really did take me as his younger sister.

"Okay.." He said sinking all what we have said and He finally sat down which Amy did also.

"But why did they do that to you?" He asked feeling very sad.

"Well it was just a mere misunderstanding Toni" I said trying to brush away the discussion.

"ZOE!!..." He warned me.

"Okay okay I kinda started a Christian show because God revealed to me as my calling which was very nice but to my boss it was distracting, I started focusing more on the show than my work and then I got fired for it and it didn't stop there I got disowned by my parents" I narrated thinking He would be surprised or maybe mad about it but little did I know what was running in his head.

"Oh.. you are talking about that show you set up. Been watching it, and it's very nice if I must say myself" He smirked mischievously at me.

"Wait what!?, I thought you would be surprised. You knew about it all along but you didn't say anything" I said shocked.

"Oh so you have forgotten I actually followed you on all social media platforms and I can literally see very thing you post. And besides, I strongly believe the show should be go bigger than just screen, it needs to be on a stage LIVE!!!" He said acting all dramatic.

"I could already see the audience screaming and the packed crowd" He added day dreaming.

"It would be nice but we are doing it bit by bit. Besides, we don't have funds for it but we know our God will provide. Isn't it Amy?" I asked facing my attention to Amy who I saw was typing furiously on her phone. No wonder she hasn't been saying anything but who can she be texting like that.

"Yeah" Amy said absentminded, facing us then returning her focus back to her phone.

What is wrong with her..

"He will but if maybe you have a second thought on it, please just let me know okay. I would love to look for a way to make it grow" He said smiling.

"Okay, Toni thank you" I said feeling grateful.

"For what?, I basically did nothing" He said confused.

"For your help, I'm grateful"

"Nah, it really isn't a problem" He said nonchalantly, waving it away which made me smile widely.

Indeed God has blessed me so much that I couldn't imagine. Even if I lost my job and even got disowned, it's still beautiful to know I still have people who loves me beyond my flaws and imperfections.

And the undeserving of them all is knowing that My Creator loves me and I couldn't ask for more.

Smiling at the thought, I knew instantly what I had to do now, because I could feel his presence around me.


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