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Rushing to make it home in time, i quickly paid the cashier but not without making sure all my stuffs were completely packaged in which i made my way out of the mall to the parking lot.

Scanning the lot for my car, i finally saw it parked close to a tree exactly where i left it. Getting to it, i unlocked the car and placed all my stuffs safely in the car's boot not without making sure to lock it but while doing that, suddenly my eyes caught a old woman not too far from where i was begging under a tree.

Instantly i couldn't help but stop, watching her closely as she begged for money from people as they passed, not bothering to give her any regard which made me feel pained and also more angry at life itself.

Why does people who doesn't deserve pain have to suffer?

Why do they have to go through pain? isn't fair.

Just looking at her made me imagine how she will be feeling right now in this situation, maybe confused and scared like i was but little did i know. While thinking something shocking happened which caught my attention.

She smiled... and it was the most beautiful sight i have ever seen.

I could see Hope flashing in her eyes which made them sparkle making her look a lot more younger than she appeared to be leaving me baffled.

How can one still smile in a situation like this?

Seeing that somehow made me feel that there was something tangible life could offer, something to actually live for and make you want to wake up each day...something i wanted. I felt it in my spirit there was definitely something or maybe someone who was the reason behind her joy which i desperately needed to find out.

I knew exactly what i ought to.....

Walking in the hope to meet her, i was suddenly halted by my phone ringtone which came from my back pocket so i reached out to it and found out that it was my Mum calling.

Suddenly realizing the trouble i was in, my first thought was to decline the call to avoid any drama and just rush home but a voice told me to answer the call and prepare for the worst.

Maybe it won't be that bad...

And that's what i did, I picked the call and the first thing i heard was...

"ZOE ANDERSON!, WHERE ARE YOU?" A voice which belonged to my mum exclaimed and due to the effect of the outburst, on impulse i moved my phone away from my ear.

The sound was deafening...

After some time, i placed it back and i heard.

"Where have you been?, You made me and your dad worried sick about you" Mum said this time with a low sad tone which made me feel bad on what i have done.

I shouldn't have scared them.

"I'm really so sorry Mum, i bumped into Toni's mum at the Mall and from there we started discussing which took a lot of time... It wasn't my intention to do so, I hope you guys are not angry with me?" I said praying in my heart that they forgive me.

"No i'm not, but next time don't startle us again, i almost thought i lost you again" She said which made me smile widely.

I indeed have loving parents.

"I won't do that, i promise" I said with a smile placing my left hand on my chest even if she can't see me.

"Good. Thank God you just talked about Toni's mum because we are about to go to the Hospital now.... That was even the main reason i called, so you can come to the House anytime you want to. Don't rush dear okay but that doesn't mean you will pass your curfew Zoe?" She said over the phone with a commanding tone.

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