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"Brethren Who tells you there won't be challenges on the way or obstacle to stop you?, who told you won't have mountains to climb or hills to scape?. Remember on each step to greatness, there are always greater obstacle because the Devil won't like you to fufill your destiny"

Today's Sunday my best day of the week which I have mentioned before and we are presently in My Father's house. Note when I said "we" I meant Amy and I which we were sitted at the back seat, normally I'm not one to sit at the back in the church but today I just felt to stay here away from all the attention or maybe it was just because I didn't want to see my parents.

I still feel hurt and a little bit sad that they did that to me and I just think me seeing them will make my heart ache the more, so my best option is avoiding them and it actually looks like I'm not the only one doing the same.

Because as I looked around to the corners of the church, scanning the congregation for my parents I couldn't spot them... Maybe they can't stand to see their only child being a total disgrace to them, that's why they didn't bother to show up.

Feeling disappointed at myself I suddenly felt a touch on my hand, turning to look what was that my eyes landed on Amy's hand engulfing mine which prompted me to look at her.

What I met was the most caring of eyes, which carried a secret message "You are not alone in this" and seeing this lightened up my mood.

To make her not to worry about my welfare too much, I gave her an assuring squeeze as our hands were intertwined and we both broke our eye contact, focusing our attention on the altar.

Pastor Derek was still the one ministering, and I haven't still forgotten about the powerful encounter I had with him previous days back. God used him tremendously that day and I will always be forever grateful to him. A thought of him being my mentor popped into my head in which I would love it to happen, but that is something I need to put in prayer first.

Now I have to focus more on the important things in my life right now which is my growth in God, the Show and presently the service happening right now but even to the end of the service, all I could do was to send a prayer up to Heaven every now and then for Amy for all the things she has done for me.

"Oh Lord please help her to overcome any challenge that she is experiencing in her life even the one with her parents, as she helped me in Jesus name Amen"


"Oh I'm so hungry, I could already hear my stomach growling" Amy said rubbing her tummy which was making a growling noise.

That made me to giggle. We just closed from the service and were taking a walk to her house.

"Looks like you got a zoo in there" I said amused.

"Yeah, it's like all the food I ate last night was squeezed out of me and the funny thing is that I didn't even go to the toilet" She said behaving like a baby.

"So whose behaving like a foodie now?" I asked turning to look at her with a smirk plastered on my face.

"You still are the foodie in our group, and besides it's only this time you see me acting like this" She replied knowingly.

"Okay don't worry, I'm sure there's something to cook at home and this time I will be the one doing the cooking" I said making sure my point was clear to her.

"I'm good with that, but you know the last time my cooking wasn't that bad"

"Mh-hm I know..." I said sarcastically but before I got to complete my statement,
I saw a black Mercedes Benz 2025 pulling over which made me stop. I know you might be wondering how I knew, but I know my cars even though I don't have one yet.

Now back to reality, the car looked so familiar that I had to look at Amy to confirm my thoughts and it seems that it's true because she looked as confused as I.

The car stopped and the tinted window glass began to roll down revealing an awfully familiar face.

"Please girls, can you direct me to the..." His words halted as we made eye contact and immediately I saw him, recognisation began to peek in at my guts.




Cliffhanger alert🤭🚨🚨, how do you all see it?...I would love to know your thoughts about it.

Also who do you think is Toni?, someone we all are going to find out very soon 😌.

See you in the next chapter 🥰🥰, Love you!!!❤️ ❤️.

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