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Knowing him

Bible text: John 14:6-7 saying
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my father also and from now on you know him and have seen him"

Imagine knowing the one who knows all?
  When we want to be close friends with someone, we first get to know the person better, that's how it also applies to God.

  Knowing the one who knows all is not a fast tasks which can be accomplished by days, months or years. It's a journey that every Christian must take to have a good relationship with him. Knowing God takes time with step by step procedures. If most Christians are being asked if they know God they will claim YES without realizing that to know God is not just about being able to know his name it's about intimacy between you and God.

  Knowing God helps alot in a Christian life, the Bible says

They that know their God, they shall be strong and do exploits.

If you know the God you serve You will always be Victorious, if you know the God you are serving miracles and wonders begins to happen on your own accord because he has been made real to you.

  You will become like Jesus Christ who was healing the sick and casting out demons, the devil will become afraid of you because he knows that you have come in contact with the most high.


  There are ways in which we can know God and it will be listed below:

1. By reading, studying and meditating his word: Through studying his word we begin to know God better. In the bible, Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life nobody can come to the father except through him meaning Jesus is the way to know the Father.

  Jesus Christ is the spoken word of God which is the bible so by saying this we get to know by reading God's word consistently, as we read his word daily we begin to see a new revelation of who he is in a clearer perspective unknown to others.

2. By fellowshipping with him: Being in God's presence all the time helps us to know him. His company brings the knowledge of him and intimacy between us and him.

  Being a close friend to God enhances our relationship with him, let's take king David for example, the bible stated that he was a man after God's heart, a close friend to the most high. He always fellowshiping with God helped him to have a strong relationship between himself and God.

  Also, Abraham too was a dear friend to God, he knew God so much that he always tried to please him maintaining a good relationship with him.

3. By praying: Prayer is the communication between God and man. When praying, God begins to reveal certain things to us. We begin to hear from God directly thereby helping you know him better.

  Through prayer, we get to learn about God, his attributes, his personalities and his commandments.

4. Dwelling in the house of the lord: Dwelling continually in the church of God helps us to know God, we get to be taught about his kingdom and be enlightened on his word.

5. Asking questions: Asking questions about what we have acquired about God helps us to build our knowledge about him. But we should always make sure that the person being asked is a true follower of Christ so that we won't be feeding on wrong information.

   Knowing God is continuous process because God has different kind of personalities, we can't stop knowing him but what we can do is to know him better. Beloved ❤️, knowing God helps the growth of our spiritual life because as we get to know him we get to know who we are in Christ. we get to know our place in him (sitting with him at heavenly places) and we begin to manifest the power invested in us.

  Brethren, always be persistent to know our Father and as you do so may the lord strengthen you and give the grace to KNOW HIM BETTER.

  Prayer of today's topic: Father help me to know you more and to have a good relationship with you in Jesus name Amen 🙏.

  May the Lord bless his word in Jesus name Amen 🙏, that was so nice I feel refreshed do you feel it too? I know you did😁. okay we are about to round up today's show it's so painful 😭, i wish to spend more time with you guys 😔 but sadly we have to go.

  Bye see you next time my name is Zoe your host and remember I love you but God loves you more 🥰.


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