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You look like someone I know... Jesus

Bible Text: 1 John 3:2 saying "Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like him, for we shall see Him as He is."

What it means to look like something or someone?

To look like someone or something means to have the same appearance and image of that person or thing. It can also entail having an identical features or character that another person has physically. Look alikes mostly happens in families but it can also happen between two different people from different backgrounds.

Let's take us ourselves Humans as a case study first; when two parents give birth to their children, the offspring will always show either in appearance or behavior that He or she belongs to this family, even without you asking where the child is from. It is because of the gene transfer from parent to child that brings about the resemblance of appearance they all share, and this still happens in the Kingdom of God but in this case the gene is the Holyspirit because He is the seal of God on all his Children.

It is not hard to know a child of God when seen because the resemblance between God and his children is there, like a father to his child. God will always know his children for the seal of salvation is on us because once one gives his life to Christ, he becomes of his family and begins to benefit from God's provision. So does too the devil knows who are his own because of their alike nature, they behave like him and does what he does which is sin but before we go a little bit deeper into this.... let's get to know How all this started below because there is obviously a start to everything on this earth😉.


In the creation time while God was creating the earth, He created all things..the sky, filaments, land, seas, plants, animals and then He created man in his image and likeness. He didn't create others to look like him or have the same image as him but He made man to be like him, this is to tell you how special man is to God.

And man being created in God's image made us to know that man looks exactly like God, and man created in his likeness also made us to accept that both man and God are alike in and out meaning we are identical in both feelings and attributes....we have the same feelings like God.

God is powerful that means we also are powerful, no wonder we were given dominion and power over all the creatures of the earth...a dominion to subdue the earth and rule over the earth. Also God is a spirit meaning we also are spirits too but...these manifestation happen to His children, God's people.

The plan for all of us to be like God was tampered when sin came into the world, it made man lose the connection with God, but when Jesus came to the world to die and shed his blood for us we got the opportunity to reconcile ourselves back to God thereby bring back the father-child relationship, but this only happens when we surrender our lives to Christ and believe in him. And when that happens, the blood Jesus shed on the cross comes upon us bringing back the resemblance that was lost between God and man.

Man now can become God's own through the blood of Jesus, because the blood of Jesus upon us contains the DNA of God in us. So through the blood of Jesus, the real image of God is revealed in that person and that person no longer remains who He or she was. Everything about that person changes in conformity with Christ and that is what we will be focusing below; Parts in my life that changes when Jesus is inside of me.... BEHOLD!!!


1. Our thoughts: First part is the thoughts of our hearts, the reason why this is important is because everything that a human does comes from his thoughts in his heart. Your thinking determines your speech, it determines your actions, it determines your lifestyle and it determines your beliefs because the thoughts are the first foundation for what so ever a man thinketh, that is who he is.

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