15 2 0

Sitting quietly in the car, staring into the void space of the darkness engulfing the area. Indeed everywhere was as dark as it can be, with no single sound of one walking in this time to be heard.

Only the light from the moon slightly illuminates the face of the streets and the reflection coming from the place i dreaded entering now, giving me a better view of what the darkness holds.

My Home..

I couldn't come out of the car because i was too nervous to go in and meet my parents, and due to this dilemma all i could do was to stare into space, look at the house and then return back to staring.

This routine went on for some minutes, untill i finally summoned the courage to go in and that's what i did.

I got down from the car which i parked a little bit from the compound, not forgetting to make sure it was locked.

Couldn't afford for any drama this night.

Stridding towards my destination, i heard a noise behind me so i turned to look back but all i could see was darkness which made me afriad. So i quickened my pace, praying in my heart that nothing bad happens and thankfully at last i got to the gate.

Reaching to open it, i suddenly remembered that the gate would have been locked by now since it was dark so i had to make use of the spare key of the house that was given to me, but to my surprise the gate wasn't locked which was compelling...

It's not a normal thing for my parents, especially my dad to forget to lock the gate because He's always so concious of our security so What techically happened today?

That's what i will find out when i get in...

Getting to the door post and knocking at the door, i waited with anticipation of the one who will appear before me. Due to the nervousness burning inside of me, i tried to comport myself but instead i find myself fiddling with the hem of my shirt out of anxiety. I do not know what i will say to them and how they will respond which made me to think twice about my decision.

It's not too late to turn back and return to Amy's house, a voice told me which felt like the best choice to take now but before i could consider it, i had a reassuring feeling in my spirit that everything will be okay which made me less anxious.

Hearing footsteps approaching, i braced myself for what is to come or will i say who is to come. Finally the door cracked open, and i was met with no other than my Dad.

Feeling all my emotions rushing in just at the sight of him, all i wanted to do was to hug him and it looked like i wasn't the only one thinking this way because before i could He beat me to it. He took me into his warm arms which made me broke down in his arms.

Through out that moment All we could do was to savour each of our presence, No words needed only our tears doing the talking. I did miss Him and i couldn't wish for any dad beside him.

Still in this Father-daughter moment, i heard my Mum call out behind my dad

"Honey who is at the..." but her words were cut short when she saw me.

Getting to me, she engulfed me in a hug which i gladly reciprocated but not before i pulled out of my dad's arms. The hug was accompanied with series of dramatic wails from my Mom actually, the hug only lasted for some minutes but to me it was like a decade which i have longed to be in her arms.

It just felt so good...

I actually expected her being all round emotional because obviously She's mum, but still I don't blame her. I still missed them as much as they missed me.

Thank Goodness everything worked out well, and now here we are as a family again....

After a few minute of sulking in each other arms, I heard my dad say

"Let us all go inside to talk, it's getting cold outside" And, we did just what He said.

Getting inside, we all sat down in the sitting room forming a circle, My Dad and Mom sitting together opposite me. Right there, I began to pour out my speech of apology to them which unfortunately they stopped me on the act..

"Dad Mom I'm sorr..."

"Zoe stop, It should be us apologising not you" My Dad said stopping me.

"We are really sorry for the way we treated you, There is no excuse for our actions and we are deeply sorry" My Dad said with a small smile.

"Yeah We promise to support you in your show all the way, isn't it Honey?" Mum inquired.

"Yes all the way, so Baby are we forgiven?" My dad asked with a hopeful smile directed at me.

"A long time ago" I said with a large smile.

"Well then, come over here!. You don't know how much we missed you" Daddy said motioning for a Family hug which i responded so much with glee.

"It's good to have you back baby" My mum whispered into my ear in the midst of hugging.

"It's good to be back" I said smiling.

"We love you Baby" My Parents chorused together.

"I love you guys more"

"We love you most"

Right there in that moment, all i could think of was just one thing.

It's good to be home, my Home...


Okay I know i know... I'm guilty😫😫. I'm really so sorry for the late update, School work has been taking my time seriously!!😔.

But God will always make a way😁, so catch you guys later for more adventure in GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE!!😆.

See you in the next chapter.

Jesus is Lord😚😚😚.

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