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Just a single Taste

Bible Text: John 7:37-38 saying
"Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. whoever believes in me, as scripture has said rivers of living water will flow from within them"

What is the Word of God saying on this?

  The Word of God is telling us today about the Water that can never run dry. The water that gives life and hope when being drunk, a water that is the river of living water but where can we find it?, who has it?. Well... The Living water is Jesus Christ himself and he is the only one that can give us life. Let's get to know more about him below;

  Jesus Christ is the son of God, the one the bible describes with so many powerful names like Wonderful, Prince of peace, The Great counselor, the mighty God, The Great shepherd and so much more but despite all these the bible also refers him as the Living water of God.

  He gives the gift of eternal life to those who require of it and accepts him. He is the Water we have to drink to live forever and ever.... A man that sins against God is a dead seed on this earth without any hope of growth, but when he accepts Christ the Living water he receives the rain of water thereby making him grow into a beautiful tree bearing good fruits.

  And that fruit is the meaning of his life on earth because without a tree bearing fruits that tree is futile and has no use. Without Jesus a man's life is stagnant, full of crises and that is why we need to accept Jesus in our lives but before we go further let's get to know what this Living water can do to us below

Take a look👇


1. The Living water gives out Life; Even as the name implies it can tell you he gives gives out Life to our souls. The bible makes us to understand this more in John 4:14 saying

Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.

  The Living water of Jesus does not only give Life but eternal life that is forever to whom who drinks of it, in other words accept him. The Living water brings a transformation of old to new, that person is no longer a old creature with old lifestyle but a New person with a new purpose and lifestyle, Death is no longer in his life and he gets to eternity in heaven with Christ.

  No more condemnation or destruction in hell but celebration and rejoicing in heaven because he has received and tasted the True Living water Jesus offers.

2. The Living water heals from affliction; The Bible make us to understand in Ezekiel 47:9 saying

And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the river go will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live whenever the river goes.

  The above verse tells more of the healing power of the Living water. Jesus can heal and cure any kind of disease and affliction. He can break any power of the oppression of the devil over someone's health this is to tell you how powerful he is. Jesus can do the Impossible abundantly above anything we can ask for, this is why we are encouraged to have the River of living water in our lives.

  Only his presence brings about the fleeing of sicknesses because it is not of him, he paid the price and nailed the power of death to the cross so that we can be free from sicknesses for the Bible says

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon him, And by His stripes we are healed.

Because of us, he was wounded.

3. The Living water is Fruitful; The Word of God throws more light on it in Revelation 22:1-2 saying

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month.

  The Living water causes Barren trees to grow good fruits. He is the only one that brings about growth, prosperity and good success in one's life. Whenever he flows in there is always growth, Be it business There is growth, Be it academics There is always growth, be it your career or work there is growth, be it your marriage there is growth.

  So brethren, if you require growth in what you do you have to get a taste of the Living water because He is the one that facilitates growth.

4. The Living water makes us an Impactation to others; As the Living water flows through us, it begins to spring forth to other people lives around us. People get to see and know Jesus through us, we impact others the way Christ did too when he was on earth, He helped people fed them and did all kind of good anywhere he went... and you begin to act like him.

  Unbelievers are drawn to the Kingdom through how you behave and you portray Christ to them all just because you have the Living water inside of you.

5. The Living water quenches our thirst and desire for the truth; Brethren, Jesus is the truth and when he is inside of you you get to know the truth of the gospel of God which is Jesus. And if someone can get to know Jesus he get to know the Father.

  So brethren, Jesus is the only one that can quench that thirst in you, all you just have to do is to believe in him and accept him as your Lord and personal saviour and as you do so you will encounter the power of the Living water all because of JUST A SINGLE TASTE.

Prayer for today's topic: Father Lord pour out your Living water upon me that I may not thirst anymore in The Name of Jesus Christ AMEN!!.

  And we have finally come to the end of today's show...a round of Applause to everyone who stayed up till now from me *applause*.... Indeed He is good.

  We all have to go now but, before we depart I want to thank each and every one of you... You guys are the best, Love you ❤️.

  So bye everyone, my name is Zoe your host and see you next time on this show... Jesus is Lord.

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