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"What are you doing now?" Amy asked through the phone.

Well we were talking to each other through the phone. It's been some days back since I lost my job and Amy has been checking up on me all the while and giving me updates about the shop without failing...She indeed is a good friend.

"Well I'm just arranging my wardrobe, my room seriously need some tidying up" I said placing my phone on the table and arranging with the call on high speaker.

"Oh... okay, I just wish you are here with me. This place is borinnggg" She drawled, I can already picture her acting all dramatic again.

"But you have a new work mate to talk to, that's not boring" I said reasoning with her.

Mason hired a new employee not long after I was fired. Sure looked like He already sorted everything out already.

"No she isn't fun like you are" She countered

"Just be nice to her, okay?. Kindness is what we should portray as Christians" I advised, folding my clothes.

"Okay I have heard you mama" She said playfully.

"This girl... you will not make me burst out laughing" I laughed

"But I made you already" She said, feeling her smirk right now.

After my few minutes of laughter, I heard Amy say

"Also does your parents know that you lost your job?"

"Yup told them about it that day, I won't say they were happy about it but they persuaded me to look for another"


"Well I told them no" I said calmly

"Why?" She inquired

"Because I don't want any job to restrict me from this show, I believe it's time I focus more on it" I explained waiting to hear Amy's response but I got nothing.

"Amy are you still there?" I called out and took the phone in my hand.

"Yup" She said amusingly

"Then why did you go all black out like that, you almost gave me a heart attack" I questioned unhappy, going back to work.

"Oh I was just phased that's all, couldn't believe that one day the student will finally become the teacher. Me that was the one pushing you to do this and now here you are speaking so highly of it"

"Well it's the Holyspirit doing, Glory to God for that"

"That it is" Amy said confirming my words.

"Okay I wish I could stay a little bit longer but I have to go. A customer just came in and my break is almost over"

"I understand, bye" I said

"Bye" She said and finally hung up the call.

"Oh well it's just me and you again" I said to the clothes.

"Gonna be a long day" I said in my heart.


After I finished tidying up, I decided to prepare my speech for the next episode of GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE so I sat down to write.

Due to my focus on what I was doing, I didn't notice a knock on my window until it became louder so I directed my attention at it to know what was causing it. Upon looking at it I saw an image of someone, standing up and getting closer to it I discovered it was no other than Precious at my window so I opened it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her

"Hello to you too Zoe" She replied getting in.

"Sorry where are my manners, How are you?" I said locking the window after she entered.

"I'm fine, couldn't be better" She said smiling sitting on my bed.

"Thank God for that, so what brings you here?" I asked joining her.

"Well I heard what happened from Amy so I decided to come and check up on you"

"So sorry about it" She sympathized

"It's no biggie, Just wished it didn't turn out that way but I can't complain tho" I said shrugging.

"Well God knows best" She said squeezing my hand.

"So what were you up to there?" She continued pointing at my reading space.

That's a place I get to keep all my books and it also serves as a reading arena for me...I believe every bookaholic suppose to have one in their bedroom. A very good place to chill.

"Just preparing for the next episode of the show" I explained walking over to the area and picking up the piece of work.

"Nice... so let's get to work" She said standing up.

"Work?" I asked confused.

"Yes work, the show remember" She said nonchalantly arranging the room.

"Didn't you hear what I just said, I said I'm preparing it not it's done yet" I tried to reason with her.

"I heard you but would it hurt if you did it now?, and besides I don't think you need to mesmerize a full script before you host the show" She said looking straight at me.

"You have a point there but I still need to prepare" I said giving up an excuse.

Immediately I said that, Precious looked at me with a small knowing smile...Yup she knows about it. Nothing can by pass her.

"Okay I know you are afraid but you have been doing this before and you can still do it again with God's help"

"Yes you are right, With God taking control I know it will go well" I said confidently putting away the paper.

"So what are we waiting for, let's begin. I can't wait" She said excitedly.

"Well Father we are here again for another Impactation of your word, Please be Here" I prayed in my heart closing my eyes and I felt his presence again.

"He's Here" I mumbled to myself.


I just can't believe how this book is going, I thank God for everything. Also, I'm still thankful to you for still being here up till now... God bless you so much.

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