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The love of our lives.

Bible text: 1 John 4:19 saying
"We love because he loved us first"

What is Love?
  Love is a feeling you have for someone which drives you to go to any length for that person. Love is a force which makes people to do anything for the person they love. Love has different kinds but despite all this, there is one which is more greater than all which is the LOVE OF GOD and that's what we are going to be talking about today.

  Brethren, there is someone who loves you more than your parents and family. He is the first person who loved you before others did and his name is God, before your parents came to love you he already loved u, before you met your soulmate and he or she began to love you he already cherished and valued you. He knew you before others did because he created you.

  And because he loves us so much, he made a great and powerful sacrifice by sending his only son to die for me and you, don't you think that's awesome? Giving up his own son so that he can save the world well, that's something you don't see everyday but he did it because he loves us YES!!! he loves me.

  His son Jesus paid a price for you and me so that we can have eternal life and live with him in eternity. He did something that no one could do so that we can have a good life because he loves you.

  The way God loves us, that is way we should still showcase love to others. We Christians should know that our love for others is not determined by what we say but by our actions and the thought behind it, a person can decide to say "I love you" to someone but the feeling of true love isn't there.

  The only way Love can be proven is not by what we say but by what we do and the reason for doing it and the few ways we can showcase it is by:

1. Giving to the poor
2. Providing for the helpless
3. Sharing the word of God to those are in need of it.
4. Helping the sick and caring for the broken hearted e.t.c.

  Doing all these things helps us to still grow more in God's love thereby making us enjoy more priviledges in Christ. Our God is ever so loving and his love for us is so unconditional that it is beneficial for all christians to emulate that Love. We are children of the most high and is very good for us to love others without letting anything hold us down.

  Jesus is a very good example because he showed love to everyone in respecting of gender, color, status. Jesus loves us for the way we are: you might be poor, rich, ugly, beautiful always remember Jesus loves you no matter what people say or do.

  When Jesus was on earth, he ate with unbelievers, sinners and tax collectors; the pharisees were not happy about it but Jesus continued to do it without heeding to them because he came for the sinners so that they can be saved and not condemned.

  Beloved ❤️, love your neighbour and not only them but your enemies as you love yourself because God said it in his word. Always reciprocate love to others and as you do so THE VERY FIRST LOVE OF YOUR LIFE will never leave you.

  Prayer of Today's topic: Father lord help me to love others as you love me in Jesus name Amen 🙏.

  May the Lord bless his word in Jesus mighty name AMEN!!!.Well that was very inspiring I really enjoyed it but the painful thing is that it was short, I totally wish for more 😭 but what can we say there is a reason for everything 😌.

  Okay so we will be rounding up shortly. Please vote, like, comment and do anything you can to support this show, it will be really appreciated.

  Bye, my name is Zoe your host and see you next time on GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE. Keep shining for Christ😁.

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