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Bible text: Matthew 18:21-22 saying
"Then peter came to him and said lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?. Jesus said to him I do not say to you up to seven times but to seventy times seven"

What is forgiveness?
   Forgiveness is pardoning a person who offended you even though it is painful. It means letting go of offenses and grudges in your heart.

  Forgiveness is very important for Christians to live an holy life. We children of the most high should not hold grudges against anyone but rather forgive them because we are mandated to do so.

  God knows that forgiveness is not an easy tack because of our nature as humans, but he is telling me and you to forgive because he loves you unconditionally and he knows you harboring that offense in ur heart will kill you eventually without you knowing.

  According to the bible, believers of Christ are expected to forgive up to seventy times seven which proven mathematically is 490 times. We not forgiving destroys the relationship between God and us there by hindering our blessings from God Almighty.

  Unforgiveness leaves bitterness, sorrow, lifelessness, anger in a person's heart there by killing the person slowly. When someone holds a grudge towards his fellow person, he begins to direct his attention towards irrelevant things instead of focusing on God which may eventually lead to sin. God said in his word that if we do not forgive others he will not forgive us that is why it is mandatory to pray to help us to obey what he asks us to do.

  When Jesus was teaching the disciples to pray, he told them to say

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors

   You not forgiving is like u owing God debt because he forgave you why can't you forgive others?. God loves us so much that when we sin against him and repent of it he is faithful to forgive us no matter the offense you might have committed (John 3:16), he sending his only begotten son shows us how he loves us unconditionally.  You might have stolen, murder, lied, or even abuse before, God will still continue to love you and forgive you.

   God does not look at your past to define you, he does not need to know the sin you have committed to forgive you even though he is the Alknowing God. But before God forgives you, forgive yourself. Let go of that hatred, anger, bitterness against yourself and just embrace God's love, he will always be there for you both in good times and bad times. He will be the shoulder you cry on, the friend who comforts you, what you just need to do is surrender to him so that he can take full control of everything that happens in ur life.

   Don't ignore him because he is knocking at your door waiting for you to answer so he can come in.

  They might have offended you but always remember that your Father in heaven forgave you first and then forgive. The bible says our body is the temple of God and if anything dirty found in it can make the spirit of God to leave . Brethren, make your heart clean by forgiving yourself and others and as you do so God in heaven will forgive you in Jesus mighty name AMEN!!!.

Prayer of today's topic: Father help me to forgive in Jesus name Amen.

  May the God Almighty bless his word in Jesus name Amen!!. That was heart lifting indeed. Pls if you have been blessed by the word comment how the word impacted you.

   Pls remember to vote, comment, share and tell your friends about this show.

   Bye see you next time on the show, my name is Zoe and remember Jesus loves you❤️.

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