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Coming of age to fufill

Bible text: Ephesians 1:11 saying
"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will"

What it means to"come of age to fufill"?

  Coming of age to fufill is preparing to fufill that destiny which God has given to everyone on earth. It's that time God has called us to fufill that Peculiar destiny different from others. Every one has different time of destiny fulfillment, mine is different from yours, yours is different from mine.

  It's just up for us to know which time to fufill, but before knowing it we have to know what our destinies are. Most people doesn't actually know what a destiny is or what it entails but might have a glimpse of it, let's go little bit deeper by defining what a destiny is to help us know what we are getting ourselves into:

"A destiny is an assignment or purpose which was given to every human by God to fufill in alignment to his will for us"

  Before everyone of us was born God already knew us and gave us an assignment to accomplish on this earth, in which we can see in Jeremiah 1:5 saying

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

  Some destinies might be greater than others while some destinies might be aligned with each other, but despite all this what's similar about them is that they all align with God's plan and purpose for us which is for good and not for evil because the bible says in Jeremiah 29:1

For I know the thought I think towards you declares the Lord, the thoughts of Good and not of evil to give you an expected end.

  Nobody's life is destined to be ordinary but extraordinary and full of the purpose of living, we weren't only created just to fill the earth and multiply we were created for God's glory to fufill something big.

  God being so loving did not appoint anybody to suffer but to live a purposeful life, but since the time of Adam and eve sin came into the world and God's purpose for man's destiny was disrupted. But when Jesus came to die for us our purpose was restored and we now have the chance to fufill our destinies because he paid the price for us.

  Once someone gives his life to Christ, his destiny begins to come to light and the fulfillment begins and when it begins God's glory begins to shine in that person life and that person becomes great. Let's look at the people in the bible who fufilled their destinies and became known.

1. Our Number one example is Jesus: Before Jesus started his ministry, nobody actually knew him. They all considered him as a ordinary carpenter's son but when Jesus began to fufill the purpose of God on earth, people began to know him.

  He was known for doing all kinds of wonders and unraveling the mysteries of the kingdom. His destiny being fufilled brought Glory to God and fame to him.

2. Samuel: when Samuel was small nobody would have known he will become a great prophet or God would use him but when God's purpose for him began to unfold everyone knew Samuel and he became one of the greatest prophets of God in the bible.

3. Paul: when Paul whose name before was Saul was a sinner, he was known although for a bad thing which was killing Christians but when he met with Christ that day his destiny began to fufill. He became known for preaching the gospel of God and his life never remained the same again.

4. David: David was a young boy when he killed Goliath, nobody would have believed he can kill that giant but with God's help he did it. And let's not forget it didn't end there God made him the king of Israel, imagine who would have thought the last born of Jesse would be the king of Israel.

5. Esther: Esther was an orphan, she only had her uncle Mordecai who took care of her all her life. She never knew she would be the queen until God's purpose for her life began to unravel and at the end she became a queen (From an orphan to a queen; massive transformation). And many others.

  Brethren, God's plan is always the best and it begins to happen in your life, your life can never remain the same many things begins to happen in your life and we are going to be looking at them below👇


1. Your life automatically changes: when one fufills he or she's destiny the person's life changes for the better. His life is no longer the same but new and fresh, his life isn't meaningless but full of life.

2. Change of story: when someone fufills his glory, the person experiences a change of story. He enters into a new phase of glory and the way people sees him before changes making people wonder what has happened e.g Esther, when she became queen nobody saw her as an orphan she was they saw her as a queen.

3. Your enemies will be put to shame: once someone fufills he or she's destiny, all the mockers will be put to shame.

  Those people who thought you can't do anything great in your life are made shocked and amazed, those people who mocked you when you had nothing will begin to praise you and God in your life, those people who can't stand to see you begin to be your friends all because they have seen God's mighty hand in your life.

  But note dear friends, enemies will try to stop you from fufilling your destiny by bringing obstacles like bad friends and sickness to block your way to victory because they know once you fufill your destiny you begin to shine, let's take what the pharisees did to Jesus as an example they did all sorts of things just to stop Jesus but they didn't know they were indirectly strengthening him in his path to greatness.

  Believers, God will always make our enemies who doesn't want good for us to help us fufill our destiny, they might think they are destroying us unknowingly to them they are helping us. Please let's always trust in God's plan, purpose and destiny for us and as we do so he will help us to prepare to COME OF AGE TO FUFILL.

  Prayer for today's topic: Abba Father help me to fufill my destiny which you have given me and, even when I fufill it help me to grow more in you that I may not allow pride to take over me in Jesus mighty name AMEN 🙏.

  May the Almighty God bless his word in our hearts in Jesus name Amen!!!.

  Once again another beautiful and wonderful time in God's presence with his word.....*Day dreaming* I have to say this is getting better and spicier by the minute 😁, thank you Lord for another impaction of your word.

  So....we have come to the end of today's show, I want to thank my beautiful audience before we go for the immersive support you guys have being showing through out our journey on this show, I really do appreciate your love❤️. Don't forget to vote, comment and share to your friends 😉

  Bye👋, my name is Zoe your host and see you next time on GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE, Stay blessed

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