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Amy's POV

Entering into the house, I made sure to lock the door and turn on the lights. Yup still the old same routine all over again, coming to the house to meet no one... being always welcomed by total silence in the dark, well it's kinda frustrating I must say but I can't complain, God knows best and why.

Walking up the stairs and heading to my room, my phone began to ring in my pocket so I picked it up to check who it was... Sadly it was my mum, not in the mood to answer her I declined it.

I know you might think, it's a little bit harsh but what do you expect me to do. It's now they get to realise that they have daughter who is living after they shut me out and never called to check up on me.

Immediately realising what I have done which was wrong, I allowed my temper to get the best of me and a Christian shouldn't do I asked for forgiveness.

Forgive me Lord for I have wronged you

The truth be told they really never cared about me, only Toni did... Sadly remembering my brother's name brought back memories of him and I, making me miss him the more.

"I hope He comes soon, Lord please guide him for me"  I prayed in my heart.

Wanting something to clear up my mind, I got my laptop and decided to scroll through the internet when eyes caught something.

I must be indeed dreaming.

"It couldn't be" I mumbled to myself in disbelief

"But it is" A voice said as if smiling

I couldn't believe this, Zoe is on live hosting the show and that's not the only thing it's streaming VIRAL.... Comments and likes are everywhere.

Deep in my spirit, I felt the need to drop what I was doing and go to her but a voice stopped me

"Leave her, I am with her"

And with that being said, I felt peace which couldn't fathom come over me...with pride I knew that girl on the screen becoming my best friend wasn't a mistake but a blessing from God to me.

"Thank you Lord for her"

"I knew you had it in you" I said feeling so proud of her.


I'm back!!! 🤭and I know you guys might be surprised about Amy's POV, well... The Holyspirit just wanted us all to get a little glimpse of Amy's life from all the attention and get to know her a little bit.

I have to say I cherish the relationship that Zoe and Amy have and I couldn't ask for more, it's good to have friends who are always there to support you all the way till the end😭😭.

Also, please don't forget to drop a long trail of  your wonderful comments and likes☺️. God bless you all.

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