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"All passengers departing to London, Your Flight Ab555 is ready. Please proceed to the departure point" I heard the airport's intercom announcer say through the speakers.

I am currently at the airport with Toni to see him off. After the wonderful time we all had with Toni for this past few days, it was time He had to leave. Their school's activities has kicked off into full force unknowingly to Toni, since the time He got here so staying here any longer isn't really advisable so now he has no choice but to leave.

I know you might be wondering where Amy is?, well today's monday which she is expected to be in work and she is currently there right now. She really did want to come but she had no choice because Mason my former boss won't let her, and getting on that man's black book is a "NO NO" from me.

Lost my job and i couldnt afford for her to lose hers.

So i don't blame her but before she left the house she made me promise to video tape the whole event even his departure, so here am i being the best camera lady i can be.

Trust me, I'm good at it.

"Oh well i think that's my flight, might as well leave now but i can't without saying a proper goodbye" He said smiling.

"Yeah, I will miss you. We all will miss you" I said with tears gathering in my eyes.

"Don't cry, this is'nt the last time you will see me. I will still come to visit"

"But it might last forever..."

"Oh come over here kiddo" He said giving me a bear hug.

Toni has become more than a friend to me but the brother i always prayed for and now seeing him leaving griefs my heart, i would surely miss him so much
and will always be indebted for his kindness towards me.

"Everything will be fine, Just promise me that you will trust in God no matter what happens" He whispered into my ear.

"I promise"

"Good, now wipe those tears. One would think someone died or something" He said jokingly which made me laugh....

Toni sure did have a sense of humour, now i know where Amy got hers from.

"I have to go now... can't afford to miss my flight can we?" He said pulling out of our hug.

"Yes..Bye" I waved him goodbye but not before recording a video of the scene.

"Bye Zoe and also bye Kid sis" He said looking directly at my video camera.

And with that, He departed and i saw him no more.

I couldn't just leave at that point untill the plane was on air so i just stood there, watching it take off through the window, but something strange happened. As it was going, i instantly felt a burden laid in my heart and i knew something was'nt right.

I needed to pray.

So i tuned both my spiritual and physical focus to you and began to send up words of prayer up to Heaven.

"Lord please protect him for us" I said in my heart and before i knew it, the burden in my heart began to lessen down.

By the time i was done, the plane was already out of sight so with that i left the airport.


"Thank you sir" I said handing the taxi driver his money.

"Oh keep it my dear" He smiled.

I just got down from the taxi i boarded from the airport. Feeling too reluctant to go home now which i don't know why, as a result of that i decided to stop at the park to relax, so here i am at the entrance of the park.

"But sir...." I said trying to refuse.

"Just take it my dear, i just got a leading in my spirit to give you so please don't reject" He said with pleading eyes.

"Okay sir, God bless you" I said with gratitude in my heart.

"God bless you too" And with that He drove off.

Turning to face the park entrance, it was the signboard at the front which had on it the inscription "Greenland estate park" that welcomed me first. Upon seeing its name, a sense of déjà vu began to kick in. Suddenly i began to remember that this was the place God ministered to me about GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE.

Walking in, i began to look for a convenient place to sit down and good thing i finally found one.

It was a chair, a little bit old but it would do fine.

So i sat on it, taking in my environment.

Feeling the evening cooling breeze, Hearing the birds chirping with excitement i could'nt stop admiring nature and it's beauty and i didn't forget to appreciate the Creator of all these.

In the moment of adoration, i knew this was the perfect time to be intimate with my one true love so i placed on my headphone on my head and searched for a wonderful music on my phone's playlist.

Thank God i always carry my head phone along with me just for this kind of occasion.

Finally i arrived at the right music and played it.

Who am i that the Highest King would welcome me.

I was lost but He brought in Oh His love for me

Oh His love for me!

Christian musics are always a treasure to keep, they bring that sensation and tingle that one couldn't understand and that was what this song "Who you say i am" was doing to me right now.

Hillsong music productions are always lifting spirits and as i was listening i couldn't stop myself from singing along.

My voice might not be the best but i didnt bother to think about it, all i care was to just give my Saviour a piece of my love for Him.

Who the son sets free, who is free indeed.

I'm a child of God, Yes i am!!

Letting the lyrics sink in, i became so emotional and deep into the music that i didn't notice i was crying untill i felt a tear drop which landed on my thigh.

Sometimes when i look at my flaws, my shortcomings and my existence i just get filled with questions like Why does God loves me so much?, Why does He care about my well being?, Why is He so mindful of us Humans with all our shortcomings?. In my inquisitive state, i had this feeling that He wanted to put a stop to my questions because suddenly i began to feel His presence.

Then He called me.

"Zoe" and i was launched into a realm outside of my world that i didn't know.

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