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Woke up quite early this morning feeling so energized knowing that today is Sunday, my favorite day of the week not just because it's another day to get a break from all my life duties but it's the time I get to meet my Father in his House. Couldn't be more excited.

I quickly checked my alarm clock seeing it's 4am, only two hours to be ready for the service so I collected my bible and had my quiet time enjoying the company of my saviour in prayer and thanksgiving, it has always been an habit on impulse to always spend my first minutes of the day with God.

So as I continue to pour out my heart to you, l lost track of time that I had to sluggishly leave the altar of prayer just so I could make it to church on time, having it in mind that I will continue with what I left behind when I come back.

In the midst of getting ready, my mum called out my name

"ZOE!!!, It's about time we leave to church"

"Okay ma, I'm coming down"

"Hurry up please, Amaka is down here waiting for us already"

I know you might be wondering, Yes I'm the only child of parents. My parents are the type who loves children and anticipated for lots of them after me, but when none came they decided to stop worrying but put their trust in God and focus to care for me. Even now I sometimes feel lonely and wish for siblings but God has a reason for everything and besides He gave me Amy one who my parents consider as family.

Amy's parents are the type that travel alot for business trips all over the world that they don't really stay home, and her brother is in college so the mansion is basically empty, that's why she spend most of her time at my place. One could say they are rich but even with that, she would always say according to her words "I don't want to rely on my parents supplies" so she decided to get a job like me and, voila Here we are working at the same place.

With the speed of a cheetah or so I thought, I ran down the stairs prepared all to meet everyone in the attitude of prayer for safe journey... it's always beautiful to have a people around you burning for Christ so I joined. After the prayer, we headed outside towards the car

"Took you long enough" Amy said teasingly.

"Hey!!! Don't judge me" I smiled hitting her playfully at her arm.

"What did you got in there, a rock?" Amy said rubbing her arm.

"It's called a hand my dear and besides what do you expect, I eat alot" i smiled comically.

"Foodie" Amy teased me.

"Enough with the chit chat girls, get in" my dad said entering our car, and we did as we were told. Me and Amy at the back seat while mum and dad at the front seats, and not long we got on the road.

The church we all attend Saints liberation International ministries is not too far from our house, Using a mobile transport one could say it's a thirty minutes drive. So during the ride, I decided to use this opportunity to think resting my head on the window glass not knowing where my mind will take me from here.


Still on the road, I caught a glimpse of a white big building at a distance. Getting a closer look, recognisation began to peek in at my guts...I could recognize that building anywhere.

Yeah... that's my church, my second home. This thought made me smirk.

We drove the car into the environ and I couldn't stop admiring this place every single time I come here. Getting a little glimpse at Amy, I could tell I'm not the only one.

Daddy put the car to park and we all got out. Hearing the mass choir singing their special song, I got so deep into the music that I didn't notice someone coming directly to me until that someone collided me with a thud enveloping me.

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