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I can't believe He's here but Wait! what is he doing here? He is supposed to be in school studying, maybe researching or something. Okay actually I do not know what he does at school but he shouldn't be here now.

Meanwhile, In my state of thinking i was too engrossed that I didn't notice Toni hop out of the car until I heard a loud scream beside me making me snap out.


But before I could register the situation, I saw Amy already engulfing Toni in a big hug which He returned cheerfully.

Okay so guys let's get this straight, Toni is Amy's older brother who went to college to study in London. He is currently a medical student majoring in the field of "Medicine and surgery", which I believe requires very much of his attention and time, that's why he has been absent from home for a while. So now you can see why I'm a bit confused why He's here so sudden.

"I miss you so much cupcake" He said lifting her up with a whirl and then dropping her down.

"I miss you too so much and I can't believe you are actually here in front of me" Amy asked pulling out of their hug but still holding his arm close like glue.

Looks like she really did miss him so much and I can't help it, I indeed missed him too.

"Yeah I'm still surprised too Toni" I added but not before I gave him a bear hug.

"Well, I kinda decided to bail out from school..." He said but before he could complete his statement, we cut him off.

"BAILED OUT?" Me and Amy exclaimed at the same time.

"Bro I'm very glad you came to visit but you bailing out from school is a No No from me" Amy said folding her hands disapprovingly. Can't blame her tho, that's the same way I'm feeling right now at Toni.

"Hold on girls allow me to finish, when I said bailing out I meant temporarily and besides lectures hasn't really started yet because it's just a brand new semester. So I decided to use that opportunity to come see my babies which I missed so much" He explained pinching a little of our cheeks like we were babies.

Still old Toni, always treating us like children.

"Oh okay, but why didn't you go directly to our home?"

"I figured you were in church at that time so I decided to maybe pick you up there by surprising you but then I remembered I didn't know the location, so I kinda got lost but Thank God I found you guys at last" He said with a smile, relief all plastered on his face.

"Makes sense" I finally said.

No wonder He was surprised as we were when he saw us at first, He didn't recognize us and thought we were just pedestrians who lived around here so he wanted to ask us for directions.

"Yeah you guys looked different..." He said as if reading my mind or did I just say that out loud.

Zoe Anderson you have got to stop saying your thoughts out loud.

"If not I looked closer, I wouldn't have recognized you guys. You guys have really grown especially you Zozo" He said directing his attention to me, and scattering my hair do.

"Toni it's Zoe remember not Zozo" I said correcting him while blowing off the strand of my hair that got in my face in the process.

Toni has finally started with the nicknames again. Oh I forgot to tell you guys, Toni was kind of my bully in school back in the days when I was small. I was a shy little girl who couldn't stand up for herself, so I got bullied for that by him but it was through him I met Amy my blessing in disguise.

She confronted him and helped me, and it was later I discovered that He was her brother. I couldn't forget that encounter, instead of being on her brother's side she decided to take mine and because of that act, I stayed close to her like glue ever since which now has blossomed into a beautiful friendship we see here.

I have to say, Toni wasn't happy with me about the ordeal he had with his sister so seeing me becoming close friends with her wasn't pleasant either but as time began to pass and maturity began to kick in, He decided to drop that feud he had with me and since then we became friends. But with each passing moment he gets, he still uses it to annoy me sometimes.

"Oh sorry I thought you love it" He said with a smirk.

"Toni don't make me..." I said playfully but before I could finish talking, Amy interrupted me.

"Enough with the bickering GUYS!!!, Can we go home now?. I'm seriously famished right now and I really want to eat." Amy said drawing our attention to her.

Wait a minute she's already seated in the car. That's means, when me and Toni were busy bickering she used that opportunity to get into the car.

A very smart move if I must say myself.

"Okay let's get in" He said motioning for me to hop in and I did as I was told.

"Fasten your seat belt girls, it's going to be a long ride" He instructed us and we obeyed and not long we got on the road, but I'm kinda confused why He said "it was going to be a long ride", normally Amy's house isn't really that far from the church environ.

"Maybe He just forgot about the way home" I thought to myself.

But that was just what I thought, because before we knew it He changed route from the normal path to Amy's house to an entirely different but familiar route.

"Toni where are you taking us?" A confused Amy asked the question I wanted to ask.

"Do you guys really think I would just carry you all straight to the house after the whole time I have been away from you all?" He smirked facing his attention at us before looking back at the road.

"Well yeah" I said oblivious of his plans

"Well no, I'm taking you guys for a treat" He said smiling looking at us through the rear view mirror.

"Awwn... Best brother everrr!!!" Amy squealed excitedly which also made me smile.

And with all the excitement all over, I knew surely better days are ahead, I just have to look forward to them...


Hello guys 👋, I'm really so sorry for not updating for a while 😭😭. I have been occupied with school stuffs which has been taking much of my time but I pray to God for the consistency to continue to move on.

Please also pray for me🙏, because I need your prayers. Don't worry, there are more updates coming up so just ANTICIPATE!!!.

See you next time guys🤭. Love you 🥰🥰🥰🥰.

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