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Hello once again God's people, I am Zoe your humble host and welcome back to GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOE!!.

What a nice and beautiful priviledge to be here again to receive the word He has specially for us today. Beautiful fact: Do You know that whatever God says is according to His power and His word is His will for us, His ways and His power?

Mind blowing right?

That's why i always treasure each time i get to hear His word. If you are not still sure of this spiritual reality, Well you are in luck because shortly we will be getting a dose of life through His word as it comes powerfully from His throne, So prepare your hearts to receive Him today.

But before The word, let's not forget to welcome the Most High to our midst. Let's pray

"The Only Great one we thank you for all you do for us, You have done more than any of our family or friends have and we have come to show you all the gratitude in our hearts, Take all the praise in Jesus name Amen!. Father we come before you yet again to ask for your presence in our midst, grant us your appearance Oh Lord for we treasure it. Thank you Holy Father in Jesus mighty name Amen!"

Wow! i can already feel His presence in our midst. Thank you Lord for answering our Prayer.

So now to the Business of today, The topic for today is.....*Drum rolls*


Well that's a topic i really want to know about right now. I sometimes wonder can a real child of God look like The Most high God, Can He or she resemble The creator in every way?. I think it is possible since a child will always resemble His parents and We all are His children but can this theory also apply to God.

Thank God we will get our answers to all our questions as we receive His word. So get ready, Let's hear what The Most high has to say on this*Smiles*.

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