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Beautiful scars made perfect

Bible verse: Hebrews 13:21 saying "May He work Perfection into every part of you, giving you all that you need to fufill your destiny."

What do we mean by "Scars"?

Now according to Human anatomy and knowledge, Scars are marks on a human skin after a wound has healed or is healing... this is a very right definition of a scar but we are not looking at scars at normal human sense and understanding, but are looking at it in an higher realm which is spiritually.

Scars are marks left behind after a painful situation happens. It is the left over effect a person or someone has who is passing through a situation or after a situation happens. There are physical scars and spiritual scars which is the one we are focusing today, let's take us humans as an example to give us a clear understanding of it;

When someone falls or has an accident and gets injured, as the injury is healing it leaves a scar to show that it has been there so also Spiritual scars are left on someone when someone pass through a misfortune, or is passing through a difficult experience and they affect that person in many ways because it reminds one of the situation that has happened or is happening.

Scars are dangerous means used by the devil to drag a man's faith down making the man not to forget about he or she's mistake and blocking out the agenda God has for you and I. God's agenda for us is always good and prosperous but Satan being the one who wants bad for us sets scars to make us not to accept God's love and forgiveness, it makes us to forget about how Jesus has died and paid the price for us but making us remember about our present state.

But before we go deeper on this we should know as Christians the each kind of scars Satan uses on God's children and by God's grace that's what we are looking at below.


The number one is:
1. The Scar of the past: Now this scar of the past mostly affects a lot of people because it is connected to one's past mistake and unaccomplishments.

Most people when they do something and it doesn't work out the way they wanted it to be, they begin to hold unto it thereby changing their decision making in the present. They hold on to their old mistakes in the past making them not want to move on with their lives, the devil makes them to dwell in their past limiting their growth and depriving them of their progress but God is telling us to forget about the past and look forward to the future.

Let's look at Isaiah 43:18 for more clarification, it says

Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.

God is speaking here, He is telling us to forget about what happened to us in past and accept what God want to bring for us in the future, don't dwell in your past success, achievements or mistake because Jesus already paid the price and has wiped all our past lifestyle with his blood when He died.

Remember, it is only God that defines you not your past or present or future so don't dwell in it. If you made a mistake before, learn from it and try to look for more opportunity to strive again. Note we all make mistakes but there is one that doesn't and He is willing to help you not to go back to it again.

2. The Scar of the present: Now this scar is still common among some set of people. Most people look at what they are experiencing now to define them of who they will become. What they are experiencing now makes them not want to try anything new and make new decision thereby blocking their chance at opportunities.

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