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"Zoe" and i was launched into a realm outside of my world that i didn't know.

Looking around uncertain of this unfamiliar place before me, Confused why i am here in the first place but still in awe of it's beauty.

This place is like nothing i have seen before, it's like the streets are made up of glittering pure gold but it can't be unless I'm in Heaven. Realising that, i began to panick thinking i died or something.

I can't die without saying a proper goodbye to Amy and my parents even if we are not in talking terms yet, They will seriously be worried about me and i don't remember being in accident, so what happened?

But all the questions in my head came to a stop when I heard His voice.

"Don't be afraid dear, you are not dead. Your spirit is only here but your body is still intact" A loving voice said like the sound of rushing waters.

And i turned to look at where the voice came from and behold i saw a figure   shinning like the sun which was so bright that i had to cover my eyes from its effect.

I knew it was Him so i fell on my Knees and i couldn't dare to look at Him.

"Zoe stand up my dear" He said and i did as i was told still closing my eyes afraid, that if i look at Him i might turn blind.

"You can open your eyes Zoe" He said reading my Mind.

I wasn't shocked that He could do that because obviously He is the Son of God whose every man's heart is in His hands..

Obeying Him, with reservence i looked up at Him and What i saw was the most beatiful sight i have ever seen. He looked exactly like how John described Him in revelation as. There He stood...

Face and hair white as wool
Eyes like blazing fire
Wearing a robe with a golden sash
And feet as bronze glowing in a furnance.

He indeed is beautiful and i knew this wasn't all His glory and power that was shown to me, He actually did this so that i can be able to see Him which made me melt the more in His love.

What a Loving Father and Friend i have in Jesus!!

Seeing Him, all the questions that i made a mental notes of in earth to ask Him when i finally get to Heaven at the end, rushed into my head at the same time but i couldn't find the tongue to say it because i didnt know where to start from and as if reading my mind He said

"Why don't we sit down before i start to answer all your questions" He smiled amusingly motioning for us to on a bench chair which i didn't notice on till this moment.

And we both sat down with silence following, after a while i decided to break it.

"Why am i here?" I asked the one question that i wanted to ask since i came here.

"I knew you were going to ask this, Have always being very inquisitive" He said smiling at me which made me giggle.

"You are here for two reasons, one for me to answer your questions of my love for Humans and the other.. well you will get to know as this discussion progresses" He added.

"Okay" I said bracing myself of what He wants to say next.

"Zoe I have always love Humans from the start and i will keep loving them. It's my love for them that has brought about their existence up till now" He smiled looking ahead, but then suddenly His demeanour changed into an unhappy one.

"But it's a pain to see some of them going against my ways and not following me, I can't bear to see them walking in the way to their own destruction of death"

GOD'S SHOW WITH ZOEWhere stories live. Discover now