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"Zoe you can't possibly be playing right now, you're saying you met a real life ANGEL!?" The voice which came from the other side of the call exclaimed.

"Calm down Well i think she is, but i haven't even confirmed it yet and besides it might just be my eyes playing games with me" I said nonchalantly with the phone at my ear.

After that discussion i had with Kathy yesterday, i couldn't stop thinking about her and what she said at our encounter but what really kept me struck was the idea if she really was an angel sent to me by Heaven.

I seriously needed answers so that's what brought me to this very position... Talking with Precious. She was the first person who came into my mind and indeed she is a perfect fit, for she was the one who was always the best at giving nice advices among the three of us.

"Suddenly disappearing into thin air doesn't seem like a eye trick huh Zoe?" Precious said with a convinced tone which made me roll my eyes.

She always love jumping into conclusion just like Amy.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself precious, Also where are you?. I have literally been waiting for you in the living room for like one hour now" I said making myself more comfortable on where i was seated.

I invited Precious over because i really needed someone to keep me company today and also i could not erase the part that i missed her so badly. It's been long we have actually seen face to face, only through video and phone calls do we communicate to each other and, it hasn't been easy for me since i needed someone on my side right now.

"Yeah I'm on my way right now, was just caught up in traffic... it's terrible"

"I totally understand how you feel, it's already rush hour what do you expect when we live in a very busy town?" I said looking at the wall clock before continuining.

"So when do you think you will get here?"

"About.... Now, I'm at your porch already" Precious said over the phone which made me look towards the door.

Then the door bell rang!

"She sure is fast" I said in my heart shocked while making my way to the door.

Getting there, i opened the door to behold an engrossed Precious on her phone, she didn't notice i was there which gave me sometime to look at her outfit. She was clothed with a orange coloured summer gown which stopped just below her knees, with matching hair band which just highlighted her look.

She looked cute as always.

"I thought you said you were stuck in traffic" I said looking at her suspiciously which made her look up from her phone.

"Don't i at least deserve a hug first?" She said with her arms wide open. She had on her face, her regular charming smile which i couldn't resist so i gave in.

Besides i really needed that hug too.

After that heartfelt hug, we made our way in the house with me locking the door behind us.

"Now to answer your question, Yes i was stuck in the traffic but when i looked it wasn't stopping soon, i decided to come  down from the cab and just walk down to your house" She said smiling.

"So you walked all the way down?...just to be here on time" I said amazed at what she just said.

"Yup besides it didn't really take me much time and it wasn't that far as you think. I have already promised you that i will be here on time so i could not break it" She said nonchalantly acting like it wasn't a big deal.

We were already sitted in the sitting room.

"Preshy you are so thoughtful, thank you!" I gushed so grateful to have her.

"Yeah yeah i know... so enough with the cheesy moment, Where's your parents?"

"Well they are at the hospital where Toni was hospitalized, Today's His surgery remember?" I said suddenly remembering about Toni.

"Yeah, My Dad's there too to give them the support they need" Precious said with a solemn look on her face.

Maybe she is feeling bad...for Toni.

"Hey! why that sad look?, He's going to be okay. With our parents and His parents being there by His side along with us giving our support He's sure to be fine right?" I said with a smile trying to convince her and myself too.

"Yeah, He's a strong guy... He will surely pull through. Besides God is with Him" She said this time with a smile on her face.

"Indeed, Also i have a plan. Well it was His plan tho" I smiled remembering what the Lord told me.

"So what is this big plan about?" She said looking attentively at me.

"Well we just have to find out" I said to myself in my heart.

And then the flashback came to me.


Sorry guys this was quite a short chapter. It was whipped in just a short time😅 but it was indeed intriguing right?...

What do you think was the "Big plan" Zoe was talking about?, Any guesses🙃 then why don't you slide into the comment page😉.

Also the one with the closest or exact guess gets the next chapter to be dedicated to you... So start thinking😁.

God bless you and see you in the next chapter... I love u🥰.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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