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Narayan, the sustainer of the universe, found himself standing before Lakshmi,his beloved counterpart

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Narayan, the sustainer of the universe, found himself standing before Lakshmi,his beloved counterpart. 

The Goddess of Fortune,Wealth, Beauty and Youth, his Lakshmi ,his ardhangini, his Priya, his Chanchala was finally in front of him.

Her radiating milky white skin, her Lotus eyes drenched with tears and the pain of their separation, her delicate pink lips just like a pink Lotus and her delicate petite body.

Her four hands, elegant and graceful, representing the four ends of human life: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desires), and Moksha (liberation).

In her hands, she was holding the symbols of her divine attributes: the lotus, a pot of gold, and sometimes, a book and a rosary, symbolizing knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

Draped in the finest of silks that shimmered like the morning sun over a tranquil sea,his Mahalaxmi was adorned with precious jewels that sparkled with the brilliance of a thousand stars.

Her gold ornaments were exquisitely crafted and gleamed with a celestial light, echoing her divine status.

The Goddess's crown, studded with gems, framed her face, which glowed with the warmth of the golden sun, her eyes like lotus blossoms, were deep and compassionate, reflecting an ocean of wisdom.

Her aura was suffused with an otherworldly glow, enveloping her in a halo of divine light, making her appear as if she were the very embodiment of the universe's boundless abundance and grace.

The air around her was perfumed with the fragrance of divine flowers, and her presence brought forth a sense of overwhelming peace and prosperity.

As Narayan approached, his voice cracked with emotion. 

"Chanchale," he whispered, the name escaping his lips like a prayer. The pain of longing was palpable in his call.

No longer able to bear the pangs of separation, he closed the distance between them with a few, quick strides. 

Embracing her, he felt her body tremble with relief. "Swami!" she exclaimed, her voice a melody of joy and release.

Her voice shook with relief in his presence. Her eyes, shaped like pristine lotuses and filled with tears and  spoke of the profound ache of their prolonged separation. Her lips, as delicately pink as the tender petals of a lotus, trembled slightly with emotion.

Soon she was sobbing on his chest. They both were weeping together,there tears blending with the milky ocean as the feeling of completion and eternal bliss flowed through both of them.

Beautiful colourful flower petals rained down on them. It was the liberation of pain. They did not realise how long they stayed like that.

After a while a sense of calm came upon them. Earlier their embrace was intense, now it became tender, enjoying each other's presence.

Narayan took his priye by her shoulders and gazed lovingly into her deep soulful lotus eyes,bowing his head and joined his hands together and said, "Chanchale, forgive your Ram for causing such heart wrenching pain to his Site."

Narayani gave a humourless chuckle.

" Swami, your Site cannot be bitter towards her Ram about her fate. Your Chanchala understands her Prannath. Sita, being devoid of her memories, could not grasp why fate was so cruel to her. But I have regained my memories, and I understand why the society was so cruel to both of us. It was destined due to the curse given by Rishi Bhrigu. And your Chanchala is also not unaware of your pain. People may think society bestowed immense suffering to me and that is true but they should not forget that they did the same to their Ram. "

Hearing her compassionate words, the Supreme Lord admired her reverently. His Priye couldn't help but blush at his intense and reverent gaze.

" Priye, you have no idea how grateful and fortunate I am to have you by my side. My beloved, you understand and accept me like no other." he sincerely told her in his soft voice.

She heard his earnest praise for her and lowered her face hiding her blush.

Seeing this Narayan flushed with sheer adoration for his Shri.

He lifted her face by her chin and saw immense love shining in her eyes. He could see the eternal promise of love for him. He gently lowered his face and joined their lips together.

He pulled back after a few seconds. He knew he could stay watching his soul heart for eternity but the tiredness in her eyes did not go unnoticed by him.

" Come priye" he called out to her and slid his arms around her waist to hold her close to him. He then teleported them to their resting place.

It was a beautiful gazebo in the middle of the pond in the gardens of Vaikuntha. Aromatic and ornamental plants surrounded it with the pond full of blooming pink, purple and blue lotus.

Inside the gazebo was a wide bed with soft sheets and curtains. Narayan led his Sri to the dressing table and made her sit in front of the mirror. He carefully removed all her golden jewelry.

 Lakshmi understood what he was doing and so she stood and helped him remove his ornaments. After they were bereft of their gold Narayan grabbed Lakshmi's hand and led her towards the bed. They both laid down basking in each other's arms.

" Sleep Chanchale... It has been too long without you in my arms."

Narayan kissed her forehead and they embraced a peaceful sleep after a long time. Vishnu and his Priya forgot the world in each other's arms for the time being.

As Narayan and Lakshmi drifted into a peaceful slumber, the divine atmosphere of Vaikuntha seemed to hum with contentment. The cosmos itself seemed to pause, honoring the reunion of the divine couple.

But even in this moment of serenity, the fabric of destiny continued to weave its intricate patterns. 

Unknown to the resting couple, a stirring was beginning in the distant corners of the universe.

 Forces both benevolent and malevolent were aligning, setting the stage for challenges that would test their love and unity once more.

"A new chapter begins, where love will be tested, and destinies will intertwine."

Back in Kailash, Mahadev's eyes sparkled with knowing anticipation as he gazed into the distance. 

"The story of Narayan and Lakshmi is far from over," he murmured, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Their love will guide them through the trials to come."


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