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A scream pierced the night.

Radha! It was Radha's desperate cry for help.

Devashree ran towards the sound.

It revealed an Asur( demon), in the midst of kidnapping Radha, who was shouting for help, her wrist tightly clutched in the Asur's green hand.

As soon as he had hold of Radha, Devashree observed from afar, trying to reach Radha in time, but the asur began to run.

He was very fast, like a stroke of a storm and Devashree struggled to keep up.

There was no time to bring help.

If anyone from the village hears about this, then Radha, the bride to be getting kidnapped at this hour,she will be crushed by society! She had to rescue her by tonight itself!

Devashree suppressed a shiver just thinking about what the people might start to say about her.

There was no room for error.

With a spark of determination, Devashree followed the trail left by the Asur, leading her to the foreboding gates of Kamsa's palace.

The palace was imposing to say the least and was perfect to instill fear and submission and stood as a symbol of Kamsa's tyrannical rule over the land.

Devashree stood at the threshold realising the magnitude of what lay ahead.

The palace was quite imposing in the dead of night and she suppressed a shiver.

Yet, amidst the daunting architecture, a sliver of opportunity presented itself-a slightly open window, just within reach of a daring climb.

With her heart pounding against her chest, Devashree started scale the cold, rough stones of the palace wall.

Hey Bhagwan, just a little more.

Finally, reaching the window, Devashree paused, taking a moment to steady her breath and steel her resolve.

The interior beyond was shrouded in shadows.

With a gentle push to the window, she widened the gap, slipping into the unknown with silence.

Inside, the air was thick with the musk of ancient objects and the heavy scent of incense.

Her eyes, adjusted to the dimness in the sparse moonlight filtering through the window. The room was vast, adorned with relics of conquest and opulence, a chamber that whispered of Kamsa's vanity and cruelty.

Devashree moved with caution, her senses heightened to every sound-a distant drip of water, the faint rustle of a curtain, the almost invisible shift of air that spoke of passages hidden from uninvited eyes.

Her goal was beyond this room, deeper into the heart of this sinister place, where Radha, her dear friend was taken forcefully.

As she navigated through the labyrinthine corridors, a low conversation caught her attention. Hiding behind a large tapestry, she listened.

"Have you heard? Another village refuses to pay tribute," a guard's gruff voice sliced through the silence.

"Let them defy. They'll soon learn the cost of defiance. Maharaj Kams's patience wears thin," another retorted with a chilling laugh.

Devashree's heart raced at the casual cruelty with which they were talking.

Pressing herself against the cold, rough texture of the stone wall, she listened intently, her presence masked by the darkness that enveloped her.

Krishnapriya DevashreeWhere stories live. Discover now