66. A Sticky Situation

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The early morning in the newly constructed palace of Indraprastha was serene and quiet, the world outside still wrapped in the gentle embrace of pre-dawn darkness.

Devashree stirred, feeling the comforting warmth of Krishna's body next to hers.

As she shifted slightly, Krishna tightened his hold around her, his bare chest rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm.

She opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of Krishna, his hair tousled and his face relaxed in the peacefulness of sleep.

For a moment, she simply watched him, marveling at how serene and boyish he looked. The way his hair fell over his forehead, slightly messy, made him appear even more endearing.

A tender smile spread across her lips as she traced the contours of his face with her eyes. She found it hard to believe that this peaceful, sleeping man was the same one who carried the weight of the universe's worries and responsibilities on his shoulders.

Unable to resist, she gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. The light touch caused Krishna to stir slightly, but he did not wake. Instead, he pulled her closer, murmuring something incoherent in his sleep.

She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, feeling a profound sense of contentment wash over her and nestled back into his embrace, she whispered softly, "Even the lord of the universe looks adorable with tousled hair."

Krishna tightened his hold around her, his lips curling into a faint smile, still half-asleep. "And even the most beautiful goddess looks perfect at dawn," he murmured, his voice a sleepy rumble.

"Flattery! You haven't even opened your eyes yet Swami!" Devashree complained, her voice a soft whisper.

Krishna chuckled softly, his eyes still closed. "I don't need to see to know the truth," he replied, his tone playful but filled with genuine affection.

Devashree laughed quietly, feeling her heart swell with love. "You always know how to make me smile, even in your sleep."

Finally, Krishna opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. He looked at her, his gaze tender and full of love. "That's because your smile is my world, Shree," he said, his voice now clear and steady.

She blushed at his words, feeling the warmth of his affection envelop her. "You really are impossible," she said, shaking her head with a smile.

"Impossible, but yours," Krishna responded, his tone light and teasing. He pulled her even closer, wrapping the sheet around them both.

Devashree sighed "If only the world could see you now," she teased gently. "They'd never believe how adorable you look."

Krishna's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at her with a sleepy yet affectionate gaze. "Let them see me through your eyes, Shree," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "For only you see me as I truly am...Wait a moment? Adorable?" shaking off the last remnants of sleep ,he exclaimed. "You mean handsome, Shree. The handsomest in this world."

"You may be handsome, but the most handsome in the world? That's a bit of a stretch."

Krishna's playful grin faltered for a moment, replaced by a mock look of offense. "What do you mean, Shree? Have you not seen this face?" he retorted, his tone feigning hurt.

Devashree couldn't contain her laughter at his exaggerated reaction. "Of course, I've seen your face, Swami," she replied, her voice filled with mirth. "But beauty is subjective, isn't it? And there are plenty of handsome men in the world."

Krishna's playful demeanor shifted slightly, a hint of irritation flickering in his eyes. "Oh, really?Wasn't it you you had called me Bhuvansundar the first time you saw me?" he replied, his tone teasing yet edged with annoyance. "And who might these 'plenty of handsome men' be, pray tell?"

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