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"He has arrived?" Devashree repeated, her voice brimming with excitement, her earlier thoughts cast aside

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"He has arrived?" Devashree repeated, her voice brimming with excitement, her earlier thoughts cast aside.

She sprang to her feet, her movements quick and light. She hurried to the mirror table; her hands trembled slightly with excitement as she reached for the kaajal.

After securing the clasp of her necklace, her fingers brushed lightly over the stones, feeling the cool touch of the gems. Her mind fluttered back to the moments Krishna had spent tracing similar paths over her jewelry, his fingers lingering, his eyes alight with affection.

She pinned the pallu securely, arranging it with a flourish over her shoulder, the fabric cascading beautifully down her back.

"Maharani quickly, or else Dwarkadhish will have to wait for the aarti."

Devashree laughed softly at the dasi's gentle teasing, her excitement building even more.

With a swift, appreciative glance at her reflection, she admired the way the soft curls bounced lightly around her shoulders. Krishna had once whispered that this style reminded him of the playful waves of the Yamuna at dusk, and ever since, it had become her favorite way to wear her hair for special occasions.

"Yes, let us not keep the Lord waiting," she replied with a playful glint in her eye, her spirit lifting with every step as she moved towards the palace doors.

She hurried toward the entrance, her heart was practically bouncing with excitement. She was about to burst with the big news, and she couldn't wait to see Krishna's face light up when she told him.

With each step towards the palace gates, excitement grew. She could barely keep the joy from radiating through her smile.

"Okay, how should I do this?" She wondered to herself, grinning at the thought.

Oh, I might just blurt everything out in excitement!!

No, no Deva, patience! Have some patience.

Maybe I could drop little hints, watch his brows furrow in concentration, and see his eyes light up as he slowly pieces it together.

Or I could wait until the aarti is over, and share the news over a quiet dinner... No, that's too long to wait!"

Whatever, get ready, Swami, your world is about to change in the most beautiful way possible.

Whatever, get ready, Swami, your world is about to change in the most beautiful way possible

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Krishnapriya DevashreeWhere stories live. Discover now