16. Devon Ke Dev Mahadev

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It wasn't every day you saw the ever-joyful Krishna looking so downcast, and the sight tugged at the core of Shiva's being, stirring a profound sense of empathy for his dear Aradhya.

His Krishna, usually the embodiment of love and happiness, was now a picture of sorrow, reminding even the serene beings of Kailash that gods, in their earthly roles, faced trials too.

"Krishna, my dear Aradhya," Mahadev called out, his voice a mix of concern and warmth. "Know that you aren't alone. Even as you uphold the universe, some of us are here to hold you up too. Devi Lakshmi has always found her way to you. Kaal Chakra in every Mahayuga has been a witness to that."

Krishna heard Mahadev's assuring voice telepathically. He found his courage and endurance in those words. He silently communicated his gratitude to him.

"Mahadev, your concern is like a warm blanket on a cold Vrindavan night. It means a lot. But, rest assured, your support makes the burden lighter."

"Shri Krishna, I can't help but worry. You usually have the answers to everything."

Krishna let out a sigh. "You are right Mahadev. What is life without a little drama? Even we, who dance on the heavens' stage, must play our parts. Besides, what fun is the universe without some drama?" Krishna replied with a playful smile.

"You and your love for drama, Sri Krishna. Look at you, just how swiftly you found another reason to smile aradhya. What's your secret ?" Mahadev smiled back.

"My secret lies in the acceptance of life's duality. Joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, triumph and defeat – they are all part of this grand play. The song of life has all kinds of notes. Joy, sorrow, but above all, hope. Embracing them all is the key. It's the unexpected that keeps the dance of creation moving." Krishna chuckled ruefully. "Speaking of dances, why haven't you joined my Raas Leela? Didn't you enjoy it?!" Krishna teased.

Mahadev chuckled, "Seeing your Raas gives me pure joy, Shri Krishna but seeing me in the Raas Leela would indeed be a sight. Maybe one day, Krishna. For now, I'll enjoy your divine play from Kailash. Besides you know me; I am more inclined towards the tandava. Without your joyous dance, the world would lack color and vibrancy. Without my tandava, there would be no renewal.,"

"True, true. Speaking of Kailash, I would suppose it would be very cold there these seasons. But look at you, still dressed in skimpy cloth....how do you stay warm up there? You don't even wear anything!" Krishna teased, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint.

Mahadev raised an eyebrow and pointed at the tiger skin wrapped around his hips. "Excuse me, Shri Krishna, but this tiger skin is very much something. Besides, it's all about the inner fire," he said with a smirk. "It keeps me warm and fashionable"

Krishna laughed heartily at Mahadev's response, the sound resonating with genuine amusement. "Of course, Mahadev, your Agni within is unparalleled."

"But I have to say, you also have quite some extraordinary powers in this life Shri Krishna. One call of yours, and all the relatives of my dear Nandi living here in Vrindavan come running towards you. How do you keep track of all your cows in Vrindavan? Surely some wander off?"

"That's simple. Just like you have your third eye, I have my flute. One tune, and they all come back. Have you ever thought of picking up an instrument? The veena, maybe? It'd be a nice change from your damru."

Mahadev laughed, "Maybe I should. But what would happen to my reputation as the destroyer if I'm seen playing the veena?"

"Who says destroyers can't be musicians? Besides, behen Parvati would love the change."

"True, Sri Krishna. I might surprise her. " Mahadev sighed. "Here you do this again Shri Krishna, turn the tables right back at me.  Leave about me, tell me how do you keep outsmarting those demons? It's impressive."

" I just think, 'What would Mahadev do?' and then I do the opposite!"

Mahadev laughed heartily, "Is that so? Your tactics are certainly effective. Maybe I should start thinking, 'What would Krishna do?'"

"The universe would be in for a treat if you did. Maybe we should swap roles for a day. Think of the mischief we could cause!"

"An intriguing idea, Sri Krishna. But I fear the universe might not survive our antics. Let's stick to our own roles for now."

"Agreed, Mahadev. But remember, in this divine play, anything is possible," Krishna replied with a twinkle in his eye.



Two updates in a day? Well, a short treat to ya all my dear readers on the occasion of MAHASHIVRATRI.


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