36. The Farewell

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After their enchanting adventure by the pond,  Krishna escorted Devashree back to her gurukul.

 The night was deep with the radiance of the moon as the only light, as they approached the quietude of her temporary home.

Upon arriving at the gurukul, they were greeted by the sight of an assortment of packages and trunks, sent from Devashree's kingdom in anticipation of her return. 

The small hut looked almost festive, adorned with rich fabrics, glittering ornaments, and all manner of finery fit for a princess. Each item spoke of her kingdom's love and eagerness for her homecoming.

"Shree," Krishn said, his eyes twinkling with mirth, "it seems your kingdom intends to wrap you in the splendor of the entire cosmos for your return."

"It is their way of showing love," she replied, her voice tinged with affection for her people.

While inspecting all the rich fabrics and ornaments, Krishna's eyes fell on a set of clothes in the corner near the mattress.

It was a set of male angvastram and golden yellow dhoti, the fabric rich yet simple, its beauty lying in its understated elegance. The garments, clearly sewn with skilled hands and a devoted heart, held a warmth that only a personal touch could impart.

Krishna ran his palm along the soft, delicate, intricately sewn fabric made with love and devotion. He looked back at Devashree, who was busy choosing the clothes and ornaments she wanted to wear.

"Shree, you wasted so much time arguing with me to let you return alone, and now it's taking you years to choose some fabrics." Krishna whined, a spark entering his eyes."

"Krishna, I did not waste time in arguing; rather, it was you who argued with me. I can protect myself just fine, you didn't need to come with me; rather, you should have gone home and changed your drenched clothes."

"Shree, it is my duty to make sure you reach safely, plus I also have honor and respect to uphold, they don't call me the king of charisma for nothing, you know." Krishna said to her in a flourish, running hands through his curls, giving her a charming look.

Devashree rolled her eyes. She went to him, grasped his shoulders, and looked into his eyes. "Who? The animals? Krishna, just because you make sure the cows and calves reach home safely every day doesn't mean you are the king of charisma." She told him, patting his cheek for support, as if stating a grave but undeniable fact that might break his bubble.

"You-, not the cows, you silly girl!! The girls of the village." Krishna corrected her in mock anger.

"Oh! But then you might tell them that you are the Lord of this world, and they will happily believe you, Shyam. Those poor, poor naive girls!" Devashree said , shaking her head in feign distress.

"Uggh! There 's no point arguing with you!" Krishna rolled his eyes.

{ "You are only getting this now, aradhya?" Mahadev couldn't help chimed in Krishna's mind, "Millions of yugas have passed, and you still wonder if you can win? Honestly, it is high time you learn it Shri Krishna, accept it like me. I even suggest you, just meditate like me all the time, and every time Gauri says something, I just hum, no arguments at all in our married life, problem solved!"

Krishna just laughed in his mind. "Hey Mahadev, I do know the truth of what you are saying. Lekin mati toh meri marri gai thi! I thought my beloved could be different in a this form. But I realise now that she will always be the same, nor do I want her to change." He didn't realise when his tone changed from being complainative to fond while talking about her.

"Shri Krishna." Mahadev started again in a grave voice, "My friend, you are a goner in love, there is still time, save yourself from this maya if you can." he teased Krishna, his voice amused.

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