46. Bliss

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A/n  Its a long chapter..proceed only if you have the patience to go through it


As the doli made its way through the vibrant landscapes towards Dwarka, Devashree found herself battling a growing sense of discomfort.

The opulence of her wedding attire and the multitude of jewels adorning her felt like a beautiful, yet suffocating

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The opulence of her wedding attire and the multitude of jewels adorning her felt like a beautiful, yet suffocating. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead, and she discreetly fanned herself, trying to alleviate the suffocating heat. 

"Stop the procession," Krishna commanded, his voice gentle yet authoritative. The bearers promptly obeyed, lowering the doli to the ground.

Krishna approached the doli and parted the silk curtains, his eyes filled with concern. "Shree, are you alright?" he asked, his voice soft and soothing.

Devashree managed a faint smile, though her discomfort was evident. "Swami, it's just the heat and the weight of these clothes and jewels. I feel... overwhelmed."

Without a moment's hesitation, Krishna extended his hand towards her. "Come with me," he said, his tone leaving no room for protest. "You'll ride with me in the chariot."

Gratefully, Devashree took his hand, allowing him to help her out of the doli. As she stepped down, Krishna's strong arms supported her, and she felt an immediate sense of relief being close to him. He guided her towards his chariot, where he helped her settle into the comfortable seat beside him.

Once she was seated, Krishna called out to the attendants, "Resume the procession." The entourage began to move again, the doli bearers now relieved of their precious burden.

As they rode, Krishna turned to Devashree, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "You look beautiful, but I can see how uncomfortable you are. You must always tell me when something troubles you, Shree."

Devashree nodded, her eyes glistening with gratitude. "I didn't want to trouble you, Swami. There are so many expectations, so many eyes watching."

Krishna reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "Your comfort is more important than any expectation or tradition," he said earnestly. "Besides, a queen must be at ease in her own kingdom."

"Oh, my dear Dwarikadish," she teased, her spirits lifting, "you always seem to know just what I need."

Krishna's laughter rang out, clear and joyous, as he extended his hand towards her. "Indeed, Dwarkeshwari. After all, your place is beside me, not behind."

With that, he took the reins, and the chariot moved forward, marking the beginning of their shared journey.Krishna steered the chariot with ease, each turn and bend bringing them closer to their new life together.

As Dwarka's golden spires came into view, Devashree leaned closer to Krishna, her head resting lightly against his shoulder. The weight of her jewels and saree no longer felt burdensome; in Krishna's presence, every discomfort faded away, leaving only the warmth of his love to envelop her.

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