64. A Safe Harbour

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After a long and arduous journey, Devashree and Krishna finally returned to Dwarka.

The sun was just beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the grand city. As they approached the palace, their steps quickened, eager to reunite with their loved ones.

Inside, Mata Devaki and Mata Rohini were anxiously pacing, their hearts heavy with worry. The moment they saw Devashree and Krishna, their faces lit up with relief and joy.

"Thank the heavens, you both are safe!" Mata Devaki exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace Devashree. "We were so worried about you. Are you alright, my dear?"

Devashree smiled weakly. "Yes, Mata. We're fine, just very tired."

Mata Rohini joined them, her eyes filled with concern as she gently touched Devashree's face. "You both must be exhausted. Come, let's get you something to eat. You need to regain your strength."

Krishna nodded. "Yes, Mata. Shree, especially, needs rest and nourishment."

The group moved to the dining area, where a sumptuous feast had been prepared. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, promising comfort and peace. Mata Devaki led Devashree to a seat, ensuring she was comfortable before serving her a plate.

"Eat, child," she said softly, placing the food in front of Devashree. "You need to take care of yourself."

Krishna watched with a smile as Devashree took her first bite. "See, Mate, you worry too much. We are fine."

Rohini shook her head, her expression still concerned. "We are mothers, putr Krishna. It's our duty to worry. Now, tell us everything that happened."

As Devashree ate, she and Krishna recounted their adventures. Devaki and Rohini listened intently, occasionally gasping in shock or sighing in relief.

"But it's all over now," Krishna concluded. "We are here, and all is well."

Devaki nodded, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Yes, and we are grateful for your safe return. Now, rest, both of you.

Balram stepped closer, a look of deep regret on his face. "Devashree, I am sorry. I should have acted on your words of suspicion. If I had listened, perhaps things would have been different."

Subhadra gasped, her eyes widening as she turned to Devashree. "Bhabhishree, what?! Dau did not act upon...you should have come to me instead. We two would have made sure that scoundrel wouldn't have survived a minute more." Her eyes flashed with anger. "The audacity of him to imitate my Bhrata Krishna. There is no one in this world quite like him."

Devashree smiled, touched by their fierce protectiveness. "Thank you, Subhadra. Your words mean a lot. And Dau, you did what you thought was right. We all make mistakes."

As the evening drew to a close, the palace halls of Dwarka began to quiet down. Mata Devaki and Mata Rohini, satisfied that Krishna and Devashree had eaten their fill and were safe, finally began to retreat to their own chambers.

"Rest well, my children," Devaki said softly, her hand lingering on Krishna's cheek for a moment longer. "You both need it."

Rohini nodded in agreement, her eyes still glistening with maternal concern. "If you need anything, do not hesitate to call for us."

Subhadra squeezed Devashree's hand one last time. "Good night, Bhabhishree. We'll talk more tomorrow."

As the others left Devashree and Krishna to rest, the palace quieted down, enveloping them in a serene atmosphere. Devashree turned to Krishna with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting the love and longing she felt after being apart for weeks.

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