17. Butter Heist and Trials

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Krishna sat on the swing, a rare somberness shadowing his usually radiant face.

Noticing this, Balarama approached him with a gentle smile, determined to lift the spirits of his dear brother.

"Remember the time you tried to steal the skin of the freshly churned makhan and ended up wearing it on your face instead Kanha? The look on Maiyya's face was priceless!"

A smile appeared on Krishna's face."Yes, I remember. She couldn't decide whether to scold me or hug me." Krishna's laughter now filled the air, the memory brightening his spirit.

"Then come on Kanha, do you see the butter pots hanging in the storeroom? Ah ha ha ,the way they glimmer in the moonlight is too tempting to resist. Just imagine Kanha, the taste of that creamy makhan melting on your tongue, my mouth is already salivating."

Krishna couldn't help but let a grin spread across his face, his eyes sparkling at the prospect of  another mischief.

"Dau, you always come up with the most delightful ideas. But how do you propose we get past Maiyya? You know she's become extra cautious since our last time. She now has developed a habit of getting up at midnight to check on the makhan. Sometimes I feel like she is more attached to makhan than me. She hoards in like a dragon hoards its gold."

"Ah, but that's where the fun lies, Kanha. Everyone is already deep in their dreams. I've noticed a small window at the back that's been left slightly ajar. It's just big enough for us to slip through, unnoticed."

Krishna nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled. But, dau, we must be swift and silent, like the wind."

Balarama placed a reassuring hand on Krishna's shoulder, and replied with a grin, "Fear not, Kanha. We are just innocent children partaking in some silly mischief. And should we be caught, your enchanting face covered with makhan will surely melt Maiyya."

Thus, in the quiet of the midnight hour, under a blanket of stars, Balarama and Krishna found themselves in the shadows just outside the storeroom, their hearts beating with excitement for the mischief that lay ahead.

"Kanha, are you ready to claim our prize?" Balaram turned to Krishna, his voice a hushed whisper, brimming with anticipation.

Krishna nodded, his voice equally low, his eyes twinkling with delight,. "I was born ready, dau. Let's make this a night to remember. The makhan pots won't even know what hit them."

With a shared grin, they stealthily made their way to the storeroom window. Krishna, ever so agile, whispered back, his excitement barely contained. "Look, there's our gateway to endless joy. On your shoulders, dau, I'll reach for the stars-or rather, the makhan pots."

Balarama chuckled softly, bending down to allow Krishna to climb onto his back. "Just be sure to grab the fullest pot. We wouldn't want our efforts to go in vain."

As Krishna balanced himself on Balarama's shoulders, reaching for the hanging pot of butter, his movements were graceful, almost as if dancing to the silent music of the night.

"Ah, got it! This pot feels promising, dau. Brace yourself for the taste of victory!"

Balarama, steadying Krishna, couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"Hurry, before we get caught. You know how Maiyya gets about her butter."With the pot of butter now in their hands, they carefully made their retreat. Krishna, still perched on Balarama's shoulders, whispered down to him, a victorious glint in his eye.

"Another successful heist, dau. But let's share our spoils with our friends tomorrow. After all, what's joy if not shared?"

Balarama, moving stealthily back to their hiding spot, agreed wholeheartedly. "You're right, Kanha. Let this be our little secret for now"

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