62. The Embers Of Wrath

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As Paundrak, disguised as Krishna, whisked Devashree away to a secluded area, Krishna made his way back to Dwarka.

His chariot rolled to a stop at the palace gates and he stepped down from his chariot, his divine aura illuminating the palace surroundings.

He walked briskly towards the entrance, eager to reunite with his family after weeks of absence.

Inside the grand hall of the palace, Devaki Mata, Rohini Mata, and Subhadra had been conversing with each other. As soon as Krishna entered, their faces lit up with joy and relief.

"Krishna!" Devaki Mata exclaimed, her voice a blend of happiness and mild reprimand

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"Krishna!" Devaki Mata exclaimed, her voice a blend of happiness and mild reprimand. "You took so long! Devashree needs to have her lunch on time."

Krishna blinked in surprise, his smile fading slightly. "What do you mean, Mata? I just arrived."

Rohini Mata added, her tone carrying a hint of impatience, "You mustn't be so careless, dear. A child's routine is important, and she must be hungry by now."

Krishna's confusion deepened. "Child? What are you talking about? And Devashree must be in the palace. Where else would she be? In fact, I am surprised she has not come running to greet me yet."

"Krishna, what do you mean? Devashree is not with you? You took her earlier to roam the city, didn't you?" Devaki Mata, now looking concerned, pressed further.

Krishna's heart skipped a beat, and a sense of dread began to creep in. "No, Mata, I did not take her anywhere. I just returned from my journey. Why would you think I took her?"

Rohini Mata's patience was wearing thin. "Krishna, enough with the questions. Tell us where she is. We just finished preparing her meal, and she hasn't eaten anything since morning. You took her to roam around the city, didn't you?"

Krishna felt a cold dread creeping up his spine. "I didn't take her anywhere, Mata"

The three women exchanged worried glances, but then Devaki Mata broke the silence with a soft chuckle. Rohini Mata, catching the infectious mirth, let out a light-hearted laugh as well and Subhadra also, couldn't help but join in.

"Oh, Krishna," Devaki Mata said, shaking her head with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "Always the prankster. You had us worried for a moment!"

"You certainly know how to keep us on our toes. But now, enough with the jokes. Where is Devashree? She must be starving by now." Rohini Mata added, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye,

Krishna, however, didn't share their mirth. The cold dread in his chest only grew stronger, and his usually mischievous eyes were clouded with concern. "Mata, I am not joking," he insisted, his voice firm and devoid of any playful tone. "I truly did not take Shree anywhere. I just returned from Prabhasa."

His mind raced, piecing together the implications of their words. "Someone call a dasi," he commanded, his voice firm and urgent.

A servant girl hurried in, sensing the tension in the room. "Yes, Dwarikadhish?" she asked, bowing respectfully.

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