34. Towards Destiny

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Yashoda Maiyya twisted Krishna's ear with a flourish.

"Aaahh Maiyya, ow, ow, ow! It hurts so terribly!" He cried out,appearing to be in the throes of unbearable agony, his face contorted in an exaggerated grimace of pain.

"Priye huh? And since how many days has this been going on, Lalla?" Yahoda asked her son in a strict voice.

"More than a month, maiyya! A Whole month! " Balrama, who was busy eating his kheer, quipped swiftly, the corners of his lips twitching upwards, his tongue licking the bits of kheer.

Krishna threw a glare at Balrama, to which the latter just responded with a smug smile.

"A MONTH !!! " Yashoda maiyya gasped in feigned horror, her hands on her heart, as if struck by an unseen arrow.

"To think that my own son, my Lalla, has been keeping secrets from his Maiyya!We have been asking you about her for years, and now that she is here, you did not deem it important to tell your Maiyya Kanha?" Yahoda took a few steps back, as if suffering from a great shock,pretending to swoon with exaggerated despair.

Leaving Krishna's ear, she turned to her husband, her back towards Krishna.

"No maiyaa, its nothing like-" But Krishna was immediately cut off.

"Lalla ke baba,we are ruined!"

."Kya Kya nahi kiya maine apne Lalla ke liye, aur usne mujhe ye suluk diya" Yashoda dramatically continued, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye, playing her part with gusto. A laugh threatened to burst from her lips, but immediately she pursed her lips and continued in fake distress

Nand Baba looked at Yashoda forlornly, but his eyes were crinkled in suppressed mirth. He gathered her in his arms and kept his head on hers. "I understand your agony, Lalla ki maa,I truly do."

Nand Baba raised his hands to the heavens as he declared in a voice brimming with feigned betrayal, "And to think I considered myself the father of a transparent son! Alas, the gods have deemed me unworthy of such a privilege!"

"True Yashoda, what else is left for us? Your Lalla did not even tell his Rohini mata, I, who has saved his hide from your countless scoldings." Rohini burst into theatrical sobs, bringing the back of her hand to her forehead in a gesture of despair, while her other hand subtly wiped away any hint of a smile threatening to betray her act.

Krishna just looked at them, his eyes wide in shock.

He, for once, found himself at a loss, his usual confidence replaced by wide-eyed shock as he witnessed the unfolding drama.

The tables had turned, and the puppet master found himself a puppet in a play of his family's making.

Krishna's mouth opened and closed, words lost to him, as he tried to formulate a response, but no words came to him.

He turned to his dau, his eyes pleading for some help.

Balrama nodded at him and crawled closer, his arms open, to take his little brother in his arms. Seeing some sympathy for his little innocent self, Krishna happily went towards him and slammed into his brother.

But Balaram had other plans. He sneaked his hands around his brother and grabbed the vessel containing kheer from behind Krishna. He discreetly passed the vessel to Aarav and silently gestured for him to refill his bowl.

Aarav silently took Balrama's place, picking up his own bowl of kheer. Thank Mahadev he was saved from further drama.

Balrama, after passing the vessel leaned in and whispered in Krishna's ear, "Aur udhao rang apne prem ke, hume na sammilitt karne ka yahi dand hai."

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