35.Under the moon

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Near the outskirts, Devashree sat alone, her gaze lost upon the reflective surface of the water.

This secluded spot, away from the bustling heart of Vrindavan, had always been a haven for her-a place where the cacophony of daily life gave way to the quiet contemplation of nature's beauty. 

But tonight, it was not just the allure of tranquility that brought her here; it was the need to grapple with the looming change, the end of her cherished days in Vrindavan, and the departure from a community that had become her family.

Lost in thought, Devashree barely noticed the approach of soft footsteps until a familiar voice gently broke the silence. 

"I thought I might find you here," said Krishna, his tone carrying the weight of unspoken emotions.

Startled, Devashree looked up to see Krishna standing at the edge of the pond.

"Krishna," she replied, her voice tinged with both happiness and sorrow. "I needed to feel the peace of this place one last time. But I did not expect company, especially not yours."

Krishna moved to sit beside her, their shoulders barely touching. "Vrindavan has many secret nooks that offer solace," he said, staring out over the water. "But tonight, I find the burden of leaving to weigh heavily on my heart.

Their eyes met, and silence fell between them, the stillness of the evening broken only by the gentle lapping of water against the shore.

"I leave at dawn," Krishna said at last, his voice tinged with resignation. "The path before me is uncertain, probably filled with challenges and trials that I cannot foresee. And yet, I am bound by duty to follow it, to fulfill the destiny that awaits me beyond the boundaries of Vrindavan."

Devashree listened in silence, her heart aching for the burden that Krishna bore upon his shoulders. Though she could not fathom the trials that awaited him, she knew that his departure would leave a void in the hearts of all who loved him, herself included.

Devashree gazed at him as he sat. There was a gentle smile playing on his lips. A totally fake smile, she thought. Those deep, insightful eyes, usually brimming with a playful light, now carried a hint of sorrow.

She scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand, which was resting on his thigh, enclosing it in her warm ones.

"Krishna," she spoke softly, her voice a tender whisper, "do you think you can hide your pain from me?"

Krishna turned his gaze towards her, a soft sigh escaping him as he was met with her earnest, understanding look. He tightened his hold on her hand.

She turned sideways to look at him, and his dark eyes focused on her, they were so deep and beautiful. He smiled at her and laid his forehead against her, as a feeling of completeness washed over him.

"This is my last night here, Shree. I will never come here again." He whispered, as his eyes filled with tears, in a rare moment of vulnerability, that can only happen in the presence of his other half.

Her heart thundered in her chest, clenching at the pain in his voice, as she looked deep into his eyes and saw an ocean of pain. Her own eyes filled with tears as he wrapped his arms around her, buried his face in her neck, and let the tears loose.

Tears just trickled down from his eyes, as years of sweet memories of the place flashed before his eyes.

Fingers ran through his curls seeking his protection."Of course, you can come back here, Shyam, you would dare to stop you?" This was his home. His parents were here. He would of course come to them again.

Krishnapriya DevashreeWhere stories live. Discover now