70. Bane of Shadows

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Upon their arrival, the palace gates swung open, and the servants and guards quickly assembled, bowing deeply to them

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Upon their arrival, the palace gates swung open, and the servants and guards quickly assembled, bowing deeply to them.

As they made their way to the royal hall, Mayasur, who had remained discreetly in the background, kept his head bowed low, casting respectful glances at Devashree, sensing that her powers were the source of his own. Her aura radiated a divine presence that resonated with his own powers.

She seemed to illuminate the corridor with a divine glow, and Mayasur's heart stirred with a newfound reverence. With each step, his realization deepened.

Maya! She was pure Maya!

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. She was no mere mortal woman, she was the embodiment of illusion itself, the divine force behind all creation and transformation. It was a truth that filled Mayasur's heart with both wonder and humility.

His heart filled with devotion, and he folded his hands,bowing his head in reverence.

This gesture did not go unnoticed by Devashree, who nodded with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding.

If she was Mahalakshmi, the Maya herself, then her consort, Shri Krishna, must be none other than Mayapati Narayan himself, the Supreme God.

With this revelation, Mayasur's respect deepened even further. He bowed deeply before Krishna, his heart filled with reverence for the divine being standing before him.

"Prabhu Narayan," Mayasur whispered, his voice trembling with awe. "Forgive my ignorance, for I did not recognize your true form. Please accept my humble respects."

Krishna offered Mayasur a reassuring smile. "There is no need for forgiveness, Mayasur."

Entering the royal hall, they found Yudhishthir seated on his throne, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his brothers. Beside him were Bheem, Nakul, and Sahadev, their expressions a mix of curiosity and relief.

"Anuj" Yudhishthira greeted. "We have been anxious for your return. Tell us, what happened at the Khandava forest?"

Krishna and Arjun shared a brief look before Arjun stepped forward and recounted the events.

After he was done, Mayasur stepped forward, and turned to Arjun. "Arjuna," Mayasur began, his voice filled with sincerity, "I owe you my life. Your valor and bravery in the face of danger saved me from certain death in the burning forest. I am forever in your debt."

Arjun shook his head gently. "Mayasur, there is no need for such words. We are all bound by the principles of dharma and compassion. I simply did what was right."

"But Arjuna," Mayasur persisted, "I cannot simply ignore the fact that you risked your life to save mine. I must repay this debt somehow."

Arjuna smiled warmly at Mayasur's earnestness. "If you truly wish to repay your debt, then you should ask Madhav."

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